distance between 2 layer points

11-26-2014 11:50 PM
New Contributor

Hello Everyone

Please help me with this

I have Arcmap 9.3

On this i have 2 layer points witch i need to calculate the distance between all the point on layer 0 and other point on layer 2

But i need to tdo this in vba of Arcmap by this logic situation

-get the all the point in layer 0 and storied them  in an array

get all the point in layer 2 and stored them in a nother array

no calculate the distance for each point on layer 0 to each point on layer 2

this is a formula : dist_layerp = Sqr((x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2)

IF the distance between point on layer 0 and point on layer 2 is 50 or - 50 create a field on table with value 0

But the trick is that i need to search  in layer 2 if the point to point is another 50 end then stop it he distance from next point is more then 50

the picture Bellow shows what i need.

Thankyou very much for your help

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16 Replies
New Contributor III

Alternatively you may use buffer query to find all points within 50 meter.

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New Contributor

You know i was goindg to do that but the problem was that i need a flag to stop if prevision point is no longer 50 metter from the next point

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New Contributor III

You can apply spatial filter to your Layer 2 with 50 meter buffer circle from point in layer 0. This will return list of point features as a feature cursor from layer 2 which are within 50 meter distance.

Than you can do whatever you want with this points.

I think you want to do this for each feature in layer 0, so you have to iterate all feature in layer 0 and apply spatial filter.

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New Contributor

Interesting think

I will try to do that and give you a feetback

Thankyou for your help

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New Contributor

Can you please give me a hint to this one

i have a fucntion that get the distance from x,y layer 0 and x,y layer 2

but  the proble is that i need to to that for each point not only on,because the resol show only one point

So how to itterante thru this

Function is :

Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument

Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument

Dim pMap As IMap

Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap

Dim i As Integer

Dim pLayer As ILayer

Dim pLayer2 As ILayer

Set pLayer = pMap.layer(0)

Set pLayer2 = pMap.layer(2)

Dim pFLayer As IFeatureLayer

Dim pFLayer2 As IFeatureLayer

Set pFLayer = pLayer

Set pFLayer2 = pLayer2

Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass

Dim pFClass2 As IFeatureClass

Set pFClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass

Set pFClass2 = pFLayer2.FeatureClass

Dim pFeature As IFeature

Dim pFeature2 As IFeature

Dim pFCursor As IFeatureCursor

Dim pFCursor2 As IFeatureCursor

Set pFCursor = pFClass.Search(Nothing, False)

Set pFCursor2 = pFClass2.Search(Nothing, False)

Set pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature

Set pFeature2 = pFCursor2.NextFeature

Dim pPointOne As IPoint

Dim pPointMany As IPoint

   Set pPointOne = pFeature.Shape

   Set pPointMany = pFeature2.Shape


Dim dblX1 As Double

Dim dblY1 As Double

Dim dblX2 As Double

Dim dblY2 As Double

dblX1 = pPointOne.x

    dblY1 = pPointOne.y

    dblX2 = pPointMany.x

    dblY2 = pPointMany.y

Dim dblDistance As Double

     Set pFeature = pFCursor.NextFeature

     Set pFeature2 = pFCursor2.NextFeature


    dblDistance = Sqr((dblX1 - dblX2) ^ 2 + (dblY1 - dblY2) ^ 2)

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New Contributor III

You can create a function to get features within 50 meter buffer from layer 2

Then you can call this function for each feature in layer 0. You will get a list of selected feature within 50 meter distance to calculate actual distance. This will be much faster than iterating all features in layer 2.

Dim pTopoOp as ITopologicalOperator

Set pTopoOp = pGeom

Dim pSpQuery as ISpatialFilter

Set pSpQuery = New SpatialFilter

With pSpQuery

  Set .Geometry = pTopoOp.Buffer(50)

  .SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelIntersects

  .GeometryField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName

End With

Dim pFeatSelection as IFeatureSelection

Set pFeatSelection = pFeatureLayer

'Add features to current selection

pFeatSelection.SelectFeatures pSpQuery, esriSelectionResultsAdd, False

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New Contributor

Sorry i am new to ARcmap

So far from what you show me is that an ew to define pGeom beause i get an error and then

so i made the function calc witch has data from what i posted and then with waht you gived me i need to create a nother function  witch contains this ?:

Dim pTopoOp as ITopologicalOperator

Set pTopoOp = pGeom

Dim pSpQuery as ISpatialFilter

Set pSpQuery = New SpatialFilter

With pSpQuery

  Set .Geometry = pTopoOp.Buffer(50)

  .SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelIntersects

  .GeometryField = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName

End With

Dim pFeatSelection as IFeatureSelection

Set pFeatSelection = pFeatureLayer

'Add features to current selection

pFeatSelection.SelectFeatures pSpQuery, esriSelectionResultsAdd, False

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