ArcGIS 10 SP3 on Win 7 x64
I have tried both Geoprocessing > Buffer Tool and Toolbox Analysis > Proximity > Buffer both with same result.
The inputs:
("Bars","C:/ESRIPress/GIST1/MyExercises/Chapter9/Tutorial9.gdb/BarBuffers","0.25 Miles","FULL","ROUND","ALL","#")
Executing: Buffer Bars C:\ESRIPress\GIST1\MyExercises\Chapter9\Tutorial9.gdb\BarBuffers "0.25 Miles" FULL ROUND ALL #
Start Time: Thu Oct 27 21:28:56 2011
WARNING 000117: Warning empty output generated.
Succeeded at Thu Oct 27 21:28:57 2011 (Elapsed Time: 1.00 seconds)
The input table appears ok. Not sure if there is a specific column name being looked for. The layer does have spatial references. I started tracking down python code for the tools but could only find wrappers.
Is this considered to be an "old style" gdb that needs upgrade?
Where do you suggest I look next? Should I be looking for more python to debug? I can't seem to use model builder on this toolbox. Anything obvious?