I use a calculation to create a 70 character representation of my line as the From X/Y coordinates, the To X/Y coordinates and the length. It is virtually unheard of in my network to have two lines that do not overlap that have these same exact values. The Python calculation I use formats the number in a way that is compatible for state plane coordinates. Other coordinate systems would require modification the formatting settings. Anyway, here is the calculation:Parser: PythonUse Codeblock: CheckedPre-Logic Script Codeblock:def Output(FirstPoint,LastPoint,Length):
FPX = round(float(FirstPoint.X), 4)
FPY = round(float(FirstPoint.Y), 4)
TPX = round(float(LastPoint.X), 4)
TPY = round(float(LastPoint.Y), 4)
Lnth = round(float(Length), 4)
return "{%(FX)012.4f}{%(FY)012.4f}{%(TX)012.4f}{%(TY)012.4f}{%(LN)012.4f}" % {'FX': FPX, 'FY': FPY, 'TX': TPX, 'TY': TPY, 'LN': Lnth}
Expression: Output(!Shape.FIRSTPOINT!,!SHAPE.LASTPOINT!,!SHAPE.LENGTH!)A typical output that would be identical for identical lines is:{6217207.2498}{2303876.6114}{6227963.0879}{2299683.2294}{0009453.2624}I use this to detect geometry changes in my network and alter the modified date field in a script each week and it works very well. It also supports a standard join between separate copies of the network that is spatial without using a Spatial Join.