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converting coordination

06-02-2014 01:10 AM
Deactivated User
I have a map with NAD 1983 State Plane California _III_ FIPS 0403 Feet coordinate(Lambert-conformel-conic projection). I need to see my map on google earth to have more information about my project. As I now, google earth uses  WGS84 as a coordinate system. How can i convert my projection to WGS 84 to be able to move my map to google earth? 
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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor
As long as all your layers have a projection assigned, when you convert to KML/KMZ using the conversion tools, your data will be automatically placed in the correct coordinates for GoogleEarth. The coordinates of the map itself don't matter, just the coordinates of each feature class in the map.
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Regular Contributor

Hello, I would like to add a comment here, I think it is true that ArcGIS will convert automatically to the coordinates if the coordinate system is not created with custom coordinates transformation. For instance we work with  projected coordinates of wgs84 and we also have ED50 with custom parameters. If I convert same point to  kmz in both coordinates, they will have more than 100m difference on the google earth map . For our case we always need to transform data from any projected ED50 to other arcgis defined coordinates before converting to kmz.

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Deactivated User
Thanks your comment helped me a lot.  I used the following youtube video as well.
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