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Consistent problem occurring when reprojecting raster imagery

04-25-2013 12:34 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi, I am wondering whether anyone may be able to help me.

I am trying to reproject some BMNG imagery from GCS_WGS_1984 to WGS_1984~_Web_Mercator_Auxilary_Sphere.

I thought this would be a simple case of using the 'project raster' too within the 'data management' toolbox but this does not seem to be the case - whenever i am to reproject the imagery and create a new image, but when i add this is a new ArcMap document, i get the 'warning, inconsistent extent' message. I know that i could simply ignore this warning, however i also need to mask the imagery and split the rasters which, on, doing so, creates an additional problem in that it seems that an additional pixel is added to the two tiles on the far right (see attached figure) and the warning also reappears when adding these tiles to a new document!

Does anyone have any advice? is this a common occurrence with reprojecting imagery? Any advice will be greatly welcomed  

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