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combining result from from Generate near table

06-25-2013 08:13 AM
New Contributor III
I wish to combine the result generated from two different Generate near Table toolbox as shown in the attached figure. Is there any way to do it as i tried make layer, create feature class but it did not work. I want the result in the table to be fed in to another tool.
Any help is appreciated.
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3 Replies
New Contributor III
You could use the Merge tool to merge the two tables together.
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New Contributor III
You could use the Merge tool to merge the two tables together.

Thanks it worked for me. However there is one more question, actually  generate near Table tool generated a table that contains objectID,FID near distance etc but it does not return information about  geometry of the feature. I tried to used  the output of generate near Table with make feature layer tool but it does not worked , is there any way to add the geometry information in the resultant table of generated near Table tool. in other words i want to add shape information in stop1 of my attached model.
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New Contributor III
Stop 1 looks like is a table output rather than an output with a geometry.  To add the geometry to it, you need to do a Join based on one of the common fields between Stop 1 and your original dataset.  This will join all the information from the Stop 1 table to your geometry.
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