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CollectEvents throws errors since upgrading to ArcGIS 10 SP3

01-14-2012 09:46 AM
MVP Honored Contributor
I have been running a Python script derived from a ModelBuilder model for a few years without a problem.  Since upgrading to ArcGIS 10 SP3 from just ArcGIS 10 I now get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python26\ArcGIS10.0\CL00 CL", line 1252, in <module>
ExecuteError: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: DescribeData: Get attribute extent does not exist
Failed to execute (CollectEvents).

It seems to be part of the CollectEvents internal script, since I do not have any call to DescribeData in my script.  The CL_INTERSECTION_ENDS_Layer's underlying feature class and layer are generated in the script.  I have not upgraded the script to use arcpy, so it still uses the old gp processor.  I have isolated the script portion that starts with CollectEvents (it is in the middle of the original script) and run it from that point without an error.  Any ideas on what I need to do to get this error to stop interupting my script?
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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Did you ever find a solution for this error.  My situation is similiar, using python script from a model, and trying to run the Collect Event geoprocess.  Just upgraded to ARCGIS 10.0 SP 4.
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MVP Honored Contributor
Did you ever find a solution for this error.  My situation is similiar, using python script from a model, and trying to run the Collect Event geoprocess.  Just upgraded to ARCGIS 10.0 SP 4.

No, I didn't find a solution that allowed me to run the Collect Events tool within a single script.  I did get two scripts to work where the first stops just prior to the Collect Events tool and the second picks up from that point.  I had to set up a few layers in the second half of the script to configure it for tools that ran later, but that was not too difficult.  I have these as Sceduled Tasks and just make sure to leave enough time between one task and the other so they do not conflict with each other.  My script was very long and justified this approach, but a short script would be hard to approach this way.
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