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Buufer new generate new table.

02-21-2013 04:40 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: nqazi

I have query about the data in the buffered operation. please have look to the attached model. i have two  features class in two separate shape files namely sewered area  and septic tanks. my intention is to find the nearest distance of selected sewered area with the septic tanks. i make a model using model builder (attached).  i buffered the sewered area within a given radius and than extract the septic tank in the buffered area using intersect as shown in the table. than i used the near generate table to find the distance between the septic tank and sewered area. however i found than this model return me 0 in the near_dist field of the generated table by the  near Generate near Table  giving bufferedsewered.shp as input and bufferedseptictank.shp as near feature input to near Generate Table , the output Generatedistance.dbf however does return the data but the near_distance filed bear 0. but when i used sewered area as input to  near Generate near Table rather than bufferedsewered.shp  along with bufferedseptictank.shp as near feature  i received data in near_dist field. is it because of buffered operation or is there some thing else should i do . i attach both the model please advice. i appreciate any advice. when we apply buffer tool over any feature class than the output of the buffer tool contain data from the attribute table of the input feature class within buffer radius ? looking for advice.
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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: dmhoneycutt

When a point is inside a polygon, Generate Near Table assigns a distance of zero.  That is, there is no distance between the point and the polygon because the point is inside the polygon.  See How proximity tools calculate distance for more information

What you can do is run the Feature To Line tool on the polygons.  This turns the polygons into line features.  You can then run Generate Near Table using the lines as the near features.
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When a point is inside a polygon, Generate Near Table assigns a distance of zero.  That is, there is no distance between the point and the polygon because the point is inside the polygon.  See How proximity tools calculate distance for more information

What you can do is run the Feature To Line tool on the polygons.  This turns the polygons into line features.  You can then run Generate Near Table using the lines as the near features.

Thanks for advice. however i tried it and still same answer. as when i used the Feature_To_Line (with buffer output from the sewered areas as input to the Feature_To_Line and out put of the Feature_To_Line to input feature attribute of the Generate Near Table it give 0 in the near_distance field. i also checked attribute table of buffer output from the sewered areas and that of out put of the Feature_To_Line tool both have same record. any advice please
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