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Bullet Trajectory Modeling

09-19-2011 08:52 AM
Emerging Contributor
I have been tasked with developing a map showing stray bullet trajectories from various areas of recent low intensity conflicts where the calibers and basic ballistic charateristics are known.  The envisioned end product will be something like a viewshed but with the parabolic arcs taken in to account.  Any suggestions about modeling tools or templates to start with?  I am a relative amatuer when it comes to modeling so this is a pretty intimidating task.


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1 Reply
by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
Hello Greg,

I just want to let you know that this is the ArcGIS 10.1 Beta forum where people test the new software and report issues or make enhancement suggestions. You might want to find an appropriate forum at the following location and post your question there.

You can also search those forums to see if people have any discussions already on the similar subject.

Good luck!
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