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Buffer wizard crashes every single time in ArcMap 10.1

11-19-2012 11:08 AM
Emerging Contributor
I am trying to create a simple buffer around a polyline using the buffer tool in ArcMap 10.1.  Literally, after clicking o.k. ArcMap crashes (I get the "Please tell ESRI about this problem" dialog box every single time).  I have tried any number of different polyline inputs and project files and crashes result after attempting to use this tool each time.  As far as I can tell, nothing happens after clicking o.k. other than the program ending (no processing info in the lower right hand corner, no error messages, nothing).  The program crash is near instantaneous.  I am running Windows 7 Ultimate, ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop Advanced (ArcInfo) Single Use license (I'm within the 60-day trial period).  I have tried repairing the installation, and even uninstalling and then reinstalling.  Nothing worked.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  You can imagine how little work can happen when you can't buffer anything!
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9 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
There is a bug in the system for 10.1 Buffer Tool that says that certain feature classes will fail if the dissolve type is set to ALL. The workaround is to set the dissolve type to none, then use the Dissolve tool.

  1. The Buffer Wizard and Buffer Tool are different. Which one are you using?

  2. What are the parameters--like the buffer distance and units?

  3. Have you tried check and/or repair geometry on the data?

  4. What's the coordinate system of the polyline data?

  5. What's the extent of one of the crashing datasets?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor
There is a bug in the system for 10.1 Buffer Tool

NIM083208 - The Buffer tool with Dissolve Type set to ALL fails or is very slow with certain feature...

Medium severity. ("Ya Think So?") 🙂
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for the reply.  I'll try to answer all the questions.

1) I'm not sure which tool I'm using.  I access it through Geoprocessing -> Buffer.
2) I've tried this with many different settings.  For example, 3 decimal degrees, 50 km, 100 m, etc.
3) Trying to use the check geometry tool also crashes the program instantaneously.
4) I've tried this with many files and projections.  For example, a custom Albers Equal Area projection, NAD 27, etc.
5) I've tried many things.  The extents range from a few 100 meters at a very local scale to continental wide lines.

Specifically, I've attached a sample project file (NAD 83) and shapefile of a simple line that I drew.  It crashes each time I try creating a buffer of say 100 km.  The Side Type = FULL, End Type = ROUND, Dissolve Type = NONE.
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Esri Notable Contributor

You're using the tool. The wizard is accessed through ArcMap and you have to add it onto a toolbar. You'll probably not going to like this, but they both buffer fine on my not-a-high-end XP machine running 10.1 SP1. A check geometry on the simpleline shapefile ran clean, no problems.


fyi, Curtis: The dissolve bug appears to be connected to almost-zero-length segments in the data which is why it doesn't happen on all feature classes.
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MVP Esteemed Contributor
  You'll probably not going to like this, but they both buffer fine on my not-a-high-end XP machine running 10.1 SP1. 

Since Melita has had no problem with your data, you may want to look into this permissions-related issue:

KB 29559: Problem:  Certain geoprocessing tools will not execute or work unless the user is an admin...
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Emerging Contributor
Yeah, I agree that this *should* work.  But unfortunately, it still doesn't.  Since it works fine for you (and I've used the buffer tool on other machines before that had no problem), then it must be something to do with my installation.  I tried Curtis' suggestion of changing the starting location, but also no dice.  Perhaps it's linked to the fact that the check geometry tool also doesn't work.  I don't need a special extension in order to use these tools, do I?  I just have the normal install plus the spatial analyst extension.

This is very frustrating.  I've already tried reinstalling, and I still have this problem.  Is there a way to see a log file of the error?  Basically, right now I hit "o.k." and the program closes.  Perhaps with more detailed error info it could be easier to diagnose?  Anyways, thanks for your suggestions on this problem.

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Emerging Contributor
So I just tried all the geoprocessing tools and none work.  That is: Buffer, Clip, Intersect, Merge, and Dissolve all cause immediate program crashes.  Have any ideas what could take out all of those tools at once?

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MVP Esteemed Contributor
Buffer, Clip, Intersect, Merge, and Dissolve all cause immediate program crashes.

Since all these topological processing tools are all failing, it sure looks like I may be right about the source of the issue being the topology engine temp file problem documented in KB 29559. Can you try running your tools logged in with an admin login? If that works, can you give yourself change access to the Desktop10.1\bin folder? There's more about this in the above KB and related links.

A total system failure like this may write system log errors to the Windows Event Viewer that may give you a clue what is going wrong.

Anything this serious is worth opening a support incident with Esri if the KB doesn't address it.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks for the suggestions.  I tried running as administrator (and changing ARCTMPDIR) but still crashes.  It does appear to be a program-wide problem.  I now cannot get the point density tool to work anymore either.  I have submitted a support request.  I'll let you know if anything comes of it.

Thanks for all your help!
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