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Blank ArcToolBox: no tool at all!  ArcGIS 10

04-25-2012 01:42 AM
New Contributor

ArcGIS 10 was setup on my computer last week, but since then, the ArcToolBox is blank.
I mean there are no tools displayed in the window, just "ArcToolBox" with its icon at the top, nothing else.

I tried to right clic on it to add tools, but it doesn't work. When I find tools by searching them, they don't work neither: nothing happens when I clic on it.

I found on forums that it might work by deleting the ESRI folder in the registrery and in my doccuments and settings' user account, but not for me!

I have in my computer (everything in french): Windows XP SP3, ArcGIS10 SP4, and IE8 as I understood it can be linked with this last software.

Anyone already met this issue?

Any help would be greatly apreciated!

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
It could be a bad install. Uninstall and reinstall ArcGIS. Do a complete install and not a custom one.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
Try renaming your ESRI folder in your registry:

Start Menu --> Run --> type "regedit" - Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder - Expand Software folder within HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Rename the ESRI folder to ESRI_OLD
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Regular Contributor
Had similar issue. Upon investigation it turned out that some folders under "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\" (Including the 'ArcToolbox') were marked as HIDDEN in Windows, preventing ArcGIS application from seeing the contents. Right-clicked on the 'ArcToolbox' folder, opened Properties and unchecked the 'HIDDEN' parameter. After that the ArcToolbox got populated. Not sure how the folders became hidden in the first place...