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Automatically split data by # of records

02-09-2011 09:46 AM
New Contributor
I am working on a project where I need to calculate Zonal Statistics for a large number of polygons (400,000+++). If I try and run the process on the whole dataset it freezes up. I used the select tool and a simple query of "FID" >= 0 AND "FID" < 50000, "FID" >= 50000 AND "FID" < 100000, etc. to block the data into 50,000 polygons. This sped the process up significantly.

However, I am going to have to repeat this process over and over again. I set up a model to do the queries and create the files for 10 50,000 polygon blocks (so that I could accommodate datasets with up to 500,000 records), however, when I went to run it on a dataset that only had 300,000 polygons, the Zonal Statistics tool looped on the empty datasets.

I would like to get this all automated, so I need to figure out a way divide a feature class into 50,000 (or whatever number) blocks, only up to the maximum number of records (and then run Zonal Stats on all of these new datasets).

Any ideas?

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor
Can you get the number of records in a particular dataset (Count, maybe?). Then round that up to the nearest 50K and divide that by 50K to get the number of loops you want.
This might be easier in code than Model Builder, don't know which you're using.
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Frequent Contributor
I've been trying to find a solution to this in Model Builder for the past two weeks without much success. I think the answer is that this must be coded.

I have a 800,000+ dataset that processes at about 4000 records per second when the subset is 50,000 or so and drops to about 1200 records per second at around 200,000 and the whole dataset runs at about 600 records per second.

My workaround solution was to spatially query chunks of data (Postal Codes) by arbitrary LON degrees to get 200,000 record subsets - I ran some statistics in SQL Server to find the break points. I could potentially make a model that further subdivides the dataset but this isn't a solution for all data.

I am staying away from coding because I would like a product that is easily 'picked up' by the next person who runs it rather than hope the next person can code.

I wonder if model iterations in ArcGIS 10 will give some solution but a 50,000 record cursor without coding would be ideal. Post if you figure out a solution.

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Frequent Contributor
This should work:

I don't know if it has the scripting password protected, but I doubt it. You could definitely add to model builder as is.

Good luck with anything that will work without tweaking in any subsequent version of Arc....
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Frequent Contributor
Attached is an example of how to do this in model builder with some of the new tools at 10. Essentially the model calculates the number of records in the input dataset, and then based on the user preference for the number of records they would like to have in each subset will determine how many times it needs to iterate through the data will export that number of records to a new feature class. It will continue to move through the data until all the data has been exported.
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Honored Contributor
need to calculate Zonal Statistics for a large number of polygons (400,000+++)

I have some experience with this...

I have a large dataset of ~2 million polygons (many are small) that I do some zonal stats on to get the mean elevation, slope, etc. of each poly. I found that many of the polys are in fact too small to be represented by a single pixel (I use a 10m DEM), so of the 2 million polys, only 1.5 million of them make it into the raster layer (the rasterized version of the polygons). Since I want stats for all of the records (even the very small ones) I take the ones that didn't make it into the raster (aka the zones) and convert them to their constituent centroid points, Then I use the "Sample" tool on them. If it helps, here is an excerpt of some Python code that I use. Note the use of the .difference property of a Python set() object - a very handy function in this case.

#Blah blah.....    

#Sets the rasters to use
inDemGrd = root + "\\gis_layers\\dem10m"
slopePctGrd = root + "\\gis_layers\\dem10m_slp"
inSlpstabGrd = root + "\\gis_layers\\slpstab"

#Process: Define the LDO fc to use
overlayFC = root + r"\ldo_" + str(ldoIterationDate) + r"\ldo_database.gdb\ldo_database"

#Sets some more gp settings    
dsc = gp.describe(inDemGrd)
gp.cellsize = inDemGrd
gp.extent = overlayFC
gp.snapraster = inDemGrd

#Process: Converts overlayFC to a grid and creates a vat
oidFieldName = gp.describe(overlayFC).oidfieldname
overlayGrd = "remsoftid"
gp.CalculateField_management(overlayFC, "REMSOFT_ID", "[" + oidFieldName + "]", "VB"); showGpMessage() #REMSOFT_ID acts as a temporary unique id since you can't rasterize on OBJECTID
gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(overlayFC, "REMSOFT_ID", overlayGrd, gp.cellsize); showGpMessage()
if os.path.exists(gp.workspace + "\\" + overlayGrd + "\\vat.adf") == False:
    gp.BuildRasterAttributeTable_management(overlayGrd, "OVERWRITE"); showGpMessage()

#Process: Clears the gp.extent
gp.extent = ""

#Process: Figures out what OBJECTIDs from overlayFC didn't make it into overlayGrd
message = "Compiling list of overlayFC OBJECTIDs..."; showPyMessage()
objectidSet = set()
searchRows = gp.searchcursor(overlayFC, "", "", oidFieldName, "")
searchRow =
while searchRow:
    searchRow =
del searchRow
del searchRows
message = "Compiling list of pixel values..."; showPyMessage()
valueSet = set()
searchRows = gp.searchcursor(overlayGrd, "", "", "VALUE", "")
searchRow =
while searchRow:
    searchRow =
del searchRow
del searchRows
diffSet = set.difference(objectidSet, valueSet)
oidList = []
for item in diffSet:
selOidTbl = overlayFC[0:-len(overlayFC.split("\\")[-1]) - 1] + "\\sel_oid"
gp.CreateTable_management(overlayFC[0:-len(overlayFC.split("\\")[-1]) - 1], "sel_oid", "", ""); showGpMessage() 
gp.AddField_management(selOidTbl, "SEL_OID", "LONG"); showGpMessage()
insertRows = gp.insertcursor(selOidTbl)
for oid in oidList:
    insertRow = insertRows.newrow()
    insertRow.SEL_OID = oid
del insertRow
del insertRows
del oidList
del diffSet
del objectidSet
del valueSet

#Process: Some of the REMSOFT_IDs don't get preserved in overlayGrd so lets make a point FC for them
overlayFL = "overlay_feature_layer"
gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(overlayFC, overlayFL, "", "", ""); showGpMessage()
gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(overlayFL, "NEW_SELECTION", gp.describe(overlayFC).oidfieldname + " IN (SELECT SEL_OID FROM sel_oid)"); showGpMessage()
polyCentersFC = fgdbPath + "\\polygon_centers"
gp.FeatureToPoint_management(overlayFL, polyCentersFC, "CENTROID"); showGpMessage()
gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(overlayFL, "CLEAR_SELECTION", ""); showGpMessage()
gp.Delete_management(selOidTbl, ""); showGpMessage()
gp.CalculateField_management(overlayFC, "REMSOFT_ID", "-1", "VB"); showGpMessage()

#Process: Change the gp.extent
gp.extent = gp.describe(inDemGrd).extent

#Process: Create a eucliduan distance grid for the roads we care about
transFC = root + "\\gis_layers\\state_land_trans.gdb\\state_land_trans"
distanceRoadsFC = fgdbPath + "\\distance_roads"
gp.Select_analysis (transFC, distanceRoadsFC, "ROAD_STATUS_LBL in ('Active','Closed','Decommissioned','Orphaned','Planned','Unknown','') OR ROAD_STATUS_LBL IS NULL"); showGpMessage()
roadGrd = "roads"
gp.FeatureToRaster_conversion(distanceRoadsFC, "OBJECTID", roadGrd, gp.cellsize); showGpMessage() 
roadDistGrd = "road_dist"
somaExp = "int(eucdistance(" + roadGrd + ") + .5)"
oldCellSize = gp.cellsize
gp.cellsize = "35" #WORKAROUND: Briefly make the cell size a bit larger so that the now-memory-intensive eucdistance function doesn't throw a memory allocation error (works with 35, bombs at 33.842092, 30, 34) 
gp.SingleOutputMapAlgebra_sa(somaExp, roadDistGrd); showGpMessage()
gp.cellsize = oldCellSize

#Process: Does some zonal stat calculations
#For elevation
zonalElevMeanGrd = "zn_elev_mean"
gp.ZonalStatistics_sa(overlayGrd, "VALUE", inDemGrd, zonalElevMeanGrd, "MEAN", "NODATA"); showGpMessage()
#For slope
zonalSlpMeanGrd = "zn_slp_mean"
gp.ZonalStatistics_sa(overlayGrd, "VALUE", slopePctGrd, zonalSlpMeanGrd, "MEAN", "NODATA"); showGpMessage()
#For road distance
zonalRoadDistMeanGrd = "zn_rdis_mean"
gp.ZonalStatistics_sa(overlayGrd, "VALUE", roadDistGrd, zonalRoadDistMeanGrd, "MEAN", "NODATA"); showGpMessage()

#Process: Combines the overlayGrd, zonalElevMeanGrd, zonalSlpMeanGrd, and zonalRoadDistMeanGrd so we can report on the REMSOFTID (aka "value" field in overlayGrd)   
combo1Grd = "combo1"
gp.Combine_sa(overlayGrd + ";" + zonalElevMeanGrd + ";" + zonalSlpMeanGrd + ";" + zonalRoadDistMeanGrd, combo1Grd); showGpMessage()    
if os.path.exists(gp.workspace + "\\" + combo1Grd + "\\vat.adf") == False:
    gp.BuildRasterAttributeTable_management(combo1Grd, "OVERWRITE"); showGpMessage()

#Process: Converts combo1Grd.vat to a real table that we can actually index
vatTV = "vat_table_view"
gp.MakeTableView_management(combo1Grd, vatTV, ""); showGpMessage()
combo1GridVatTbl = fgdbPath + "\\combo1_grid_vat"
gp.CopyRows_management(vatTV, combo1GridVatTbl, ""); showGpMessage()
gp.AddIndex_management(combo1GridVatTbl, "remsoftid", "remsoftid_index", "UNIQUE", "ASCENDING"); showGpMessage()

#Process: Uses the Sample tool to get at the REMSOFTIDs that didn't make it into overlayGrd
sample1Tbl = fgdbPath + "\\sample1"
gp.Sample_sa(inDemGrd + ";" + slopePctGrd + ";" + roadDistGrd, polyCentersFC, sample1Tbl, "NEAREST"); showGpMessage()
gp.AddField_management(sample1Tbl, "REMSOFTID", "LONG"); showGpMessage()
tableTV = "table_view"
gp.MakeTableView_management(sample1Tbl, tableTV, ""); showGpMessage()
gp.AddJoin_management(tableTV, "OBJECTID", polyCentersFC, "OBJECTID", "KEEP_COMMON"); showGpMessage()
gp.CalculateField_management(tableTV, "REMSOFTID", "[polygon_centers.REMSOFT_ID]", "VB"); showGpMessage()
gp.RemoveJoin_management(tableTV, "polygon_centers"); showGpMessage()
gp.AddIndex_management(sample1Tbl, "REMSOFTID", "remsoftid_index", "UNIQUE", "ASCENDING"); showGpMessage()

#Process: Clears the gp.extent
gp.extent = ""

#Process: Populates the DEM_ELV and DEM_SLP fields in overlayFC
#For values in combo1GridVatTbl
gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(overlayFC, overlayFL, "", "", ""); showGpMessage()
gp.AddJoin_management(overlayFL, gp.describe(overlayFC).oidfieldname, combo1GridVatTbl, "REMSOFTID", "KEEP_COMMON"); showGpMessage()
gp.CalculateField_management(overlayFL, "DEM_ELV", "[combo1_grid_vat.ZN_ELEV_MEAN]", "VB"); showGpMessage()
gp.CalculateField_management(overlayFL, "DEM_SLP", "[combo1_grid_vat.ZN_SLP_MEAN]", "VB"); showGpMessage()
gp.CalculateField_management(overlayFL, "ROAD_DIST", "[combo1_grid_vat.ZN_RDIS_MEAN]", "VB"); showGpMessage()
gp.RemoveJoin_management(overlayFL, "combo1_grid_vat"); showGpMessage()
#For values in sample1Tbl
gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(overlayFC, overlayFL, "", "", ""); showGpMessage()
gp.AddJoin_management(overlayFL, gp.describe(overlayFC).oidfieldname, sample1Tbl, "REMSOFTID", "KEEP_COMMON"); showGpMessage()
gp.CalculateField_management(overlayFL, "DEM_ELV", "[sample1.dem10m]", "VB"); showGpMessage()
gp.CalculateField_management(overlayFL, "DEM_SLP", "[sample1.dem10m_slp]", "VB"); showGpMessage()
gp.CalculateField_management(overlayFL, "ROAD_DIST", "[sample1.road_dist]", "VB"); showGpMessage()
gp.RemoveJoin_management(overlayFL, "sample1"); showGpMessage()

#Blah blah....
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Honored Contributor
One point I forgot to mention: Maybe you just need to force the creation of the RasterAttributeTable (a requirement for the zonal stats tool). As memory serves, the .vat (the old name for teh RasterAttributeTable) isn't automatically created if the unique value count in the raster is > the number that is set in the advancedarcmapsettings.exe registry editor (which for you sounds like it is 50k). So I think you might not have to break it up into pieces (although doing so would probably result in smaller/faster grids).
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Frequent Contributor

Good luck with anything that will work without tweaking in any subsequent version of Arc....

Too true. Although migrating Model Builder models is old-hat for me between AG versions. The flow chart is fairly simple to recreate with new tools/flow (sure it is a pain but the logic is there and easy to follow). Way quicker than recoding for a hack coder like me.

Thanks Chris for the ArcGIS 10 model. It saves me having to code. Cheers.
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