## ======================================================================= def RemoveAllJoins(theInputTable): ## Remove all joined tables. try: arcpy.AddMessage("Remove All Joins from " + theInputTable) theJoinList = [] theDesc = arcpy.Describe(theInputTable) if theDesc.DataType.upper() == "FEATURELAYER": # If it's a shapefile, remove the extension from the name. theFC = theDesc.Featureclass.Name.replace(".shp","") else: arcpy.AddMessage("\n ERROR: " + theInputTable + " is not a feature layer!\n") return False # Look at the fields for this layer. A full field name includes # the table name, i.e., TABLE.FIELD, where TABLE matches the name # of the feature class. However, if there is a Join on the table, # the joined field names will be like JOINTABLE.FIELD, so we can # look for those other table names which represent Joins. theFields = theDesc.Fields for theField in theFields: FullName = theField.Name # Get rid of spaces in field name components and split them into a list. nameList = arcpy.ParseFieldName(FullName).replace(" ","").split(",") theTableName = nameList[2] if theTableName != theFC and not theTableName in theJoinList: # Keep track of Joins that were removed; remove only once. theJoinList.append(theTableName) arcpy.AddMessage(" Removing join: " + theTableName) arcpy.RemoveJoin_management(theInputTable, theTableName) return True except Exception as e: arcpy.AddError(e.message) return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RemoveJoins.py # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- import arcpy,sys from arcpy.mapping import * ## ======================================================================= def RemoveAllJoins(theInputTable): ## Remove all joined tables. try: arcpy.AddMessage("Remove All Joins from " + theInputTable.name) theJoinList = [] theDesc = arcpy.Describe(theInputTable) if theDesc.DataType.upper() == "FEATURELAYER": # If it's a shapefile, remove the extension from the name. theFC = theDesc.Featureclass.Name.replace(".shp","") else: arcpy.AddMessage("\n ERROR: " + theInputTable + " is not a feature layer!\n") return False # Look at the fields for this layer. A full field name includes # the table name, i.e., TABLE.FIELD, where TABLE matches the name # of the feature class. However, if there is a Join on the table, # the joined field names will be like JOINTABLE.FIELD, so we can # look for those other table names which represent Joins. theFields = theDesc.Fields for theField in theFields: FullName = theField.Name # Get rid of spaces in field name components and split them into a list. nameList = arcpy.ParseFieldName(FullName).replace(" ","").split(",") theTableName = nameList[2] if theTableName != theFC and not theTableName in theJoinList: # Keep track of Joins that were removed; remove only once. theJoinList.append(theTableName) arcpy.AddMessage(" Removing join: " + theTableName) arcpy.RemoveJoin_management(theInputTable, theTableName) return True except Exception as e: #arcpy.AddError(e.message) return False mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0] for item in df: RemoveAllJoins(item)
Here's a little function to remove all joins. Also see (and vote up!) Remove all joins programatically
def RemoveAllJoins(tbl):
"""Remove all joins from a layer or table view"""
flds = [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(tbl)]
wk = os.path.dirname(arcpy.Describe(tbl).catalogPath)
joins = [arcpy.ParseFieldName(f, wk).split(", ")[-2] for f in flds]
joins = list(set(joins)) # unique the list
if joins[0] == "(null)":
print("no join active")
# remove base table name from list and remove all joins
for j in joins:
arcpy.RemoveJoin_management(tbl, j)
print("Removed join {}".format(j))