Original User: Eric6346
Kernel Interpolation with Barriers is not an exact interpolator, so the surface won't pass through the input points perfectly.
At its core, kernel interpolation is performing local first-order ordinary least squares predictions. What is probably happening is that your bandwidth is so large that it is smoothing over points. Imagine you have three points along a stretch of the river; the first has a large value, the second has a small value, and the third has a large value. If you use a bandwidth large enough the these points are given nearly equal weights, your predictions will be medium, medium, medium (since that is the best linear fit to these three points).
I'm not really sure what to suggest you should do. You might want to partition your data and fit different models in different locations. The more data you have, the smaller your bandwidth should be. You could also try to simulate some new data in order to get the linear model to stabilize.