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Align To Shape

01-22-2015 09:33 AM
Regular Contributor

Hi all,

I have a polygon feature class (1) which used to align to another polygon feature class (2). However there have been some recent changes to 2 and I need to re-align 1 to 2.

I had thought of using the align to shape tool in the advanced editing toolbar (using 10.1) but I only get so far.

I start editing feature class 1

select the polygon I wish to re-align

click the align to shape tool

click the small align to trace button on the pop up window of the tool

trace the features to create the line

tick the layer I wish to align to

click align


then nothing happens


Am I missing something?




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5 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Did you follow the exact steps in the Help? ArcGIS Help (10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2)

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Regular Contributor

As far as I know.. Back at work on Monday so will try again then.



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MVP Alum

Xander has a good point.  Check that your data meets all the requirements.  For example, to use this tool, one needs to have topology with all the layers participating:

Align Edge uses a topology to determine the edges and which features will be updated, so you need to have either a map or geodatabase topology in your map to use this tool. Click Select Topology on the Topology toolbar to set up the topology. You can only use this tool to align edges that are in layers you are currently editing and that are currently participating in the active topology.

Chris Donohue, GISP

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Regular Contributor


Thanks for the replies. I didn't realise the feature classes had to be in a feature dataset and topological rules applied. Anytime I try and add feature classes from a fgdb to a dataset in the same fgdb I get errors about spatial references not matching.

I don't think this is the way forward as my data is being served up in a web map so I don't want to be making a copy to another feature dataset.

I have since realised the tool I was looking for is the Replace Geometry tool whereby I select a feature and re-plot, following the new line and the existing transparency of the original wherever appropriate whilst keeping the attributes.



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Frequent Contributor

Is there any way to make use of this tool or an equivalent without having to set up a topology?  Ever rare time I have to use this tool I have to look up again how to do the topologies, its a waste of time.

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