I am using ArcGIS 10.3. I have a .csv table containing latitudes and longitudes derived from google maps. I am attempting to Add X,Y data to my map. My longitude in the X field, my latitude in the Y field. The point feature is added to my table of contents but no points appear on the map. I used the default projections WGS1984, the same as the data frame. Does anyone have an idea why this won't plot. I attempted to import the table as excel, then as .csv. The latitude and longitude
Thank you
Show a row or two.
sample for near Ottawa Canada
Longitude, Latitude
-75.5, 45.5
-75.01234, 45.55555
Thank you so much for your answer. I figured out the problem after much consternation.
1. There were values that were missing a latitude and longitude so the researcher put in 999, which is an impossible long, latitude. As the longitude should be between -180 to 180 and latitude should be between -90 to 90.
2. I changed the datum that I brought in the table in on to NAD83. For some reason that data points don't show when I bring them in as WGS84. The data frame is in WGS84
I needed the two things to be changed though as just bringing the table in as NAD83 didn't initially work.
Do you know why bringing it is as WGS84 doesn't work? I read online that google maps uses WGS84 as its datum, and that is what the researcher used to obtain the coordinates.
Lines of coordinates in British Columbia :
Latitude | Longitude |
49.11005 | -122.846 |
49.11009 | -122.851 |
Also, thank you for the great list of steps. I am going to keep that for later reference as this is only the second time I've performed this function and last time I got it to work after much fidgeting, but am not sure how I did it.
the difference between NAD83 and WGS84 in BC isn't going to be much of an issue, so if that works stick with it, assuming it isn't survey grade positioning (ie, if you can see if from there... close enough)
The researcher should separate out the data into two batches if there is no coordinates to prevent this from happening again...
Adding to Dan's valuable suggestions and your finding of the value "999", also ensure that there is no space in the cells containing the Lat./Lon. values.
Considering that you have removed the rows containing the value "999", just add the CSV file to ArcMap. Open the table. Check the field properties of Lat./Lon. fields. If the Datatype of the field is "Text", there is a probability that it has a space in one or more values of the field.
Let us know your observation.
In ArcMap (Field Calculator; Python Parser), you can delete these spaces (at start and end of string) by using .strip() funtion. Once that is done, you could Convert a string field to a number field