Using the AddField geoprocessing tool to create new fields on feature classes. When the new field is a DOUBLE type field, I am setting field Precision and Scale. However when the field is created, the Precision and Scale have been ignored. I set Precision = 10 and Scale = 3, but when I look at the fields after I???ve run the AddField tool the Precision = 38 and Scale = 8.
If I add a field in the feature class properties in Arc Catalog and set the Precision and Scale there, the field is set up correctly. It???s only failing when I use the AddField tool.
Is there a way to get these created properly? I need to script these to create a number of fields on a number of feature classes.
The feature classes are in an SDE database (9.3.1 on SQL Server) and I???m creating them using ArcGIS 10 SP4.