dears I want to test the spatial index so I want to get a huge spatial data (millions of records) so can any one guide me where i can download these data!
You can simulate large datasets ("millions" might not make the cut for "huge" -- I put it at closer to 50M points for "very large") with ten lines of SQL code. For example, in PostgreSQL (grabbed from my post in GIS SE ) ...
CREATE TABLE example1 ( idcol serial NOT NULL, geomcol geometry NULL, CONSTRAINT example1_pk PRIMARY KEY (idcol), CONSTRAINT enforce_srid CHECK (st_srid(geomcol) = 4326) ); INSERT INTO example1(geomcol) SELECT ST_SetSRID( ST_MakePoint( (random()*360.0) - 180.0, (acos(1.0 - 2.0 * random()) * 2.0 - pi()) * 90.0 / pi()), 4326) as geomcol FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) vtab; CREATE INDEX example1_spx ON example1 USING GIST (geomcol);
The same is possible with ArcPy of course, as a DA InsertCursor.
Finding data is generally more domain-specific than a generic request on a web forum.
- V