Hi Dan. I'm the only one accessing the FGDB - it's definitely occurring RIGHT after performing some geoprocessing task. I call
arcpy.Union_analysis(['feature_1', 'feature_2'], 'path/to/gdb/soon_to_be_locked_dataset/feat1_feat2_union')
The tool runs, out comes feat1_feat2_union. At which point I want to inspect and delete one or two of the features. So I drop down Editor --> Start Editing --> feat1_feat2_union and ALL feature classes within the soon_to_be_locked_dataset present in my Table of Contents are locked ("This data is not editable"), but NOT feature classes within the gdb residing outside of the soon_to_be_locked_dataset. So I "turn off and turn on again". Actually just open a new blank map to remove lock, then reopen the map I was working on. Lock disappears. I've tried refreshing the gdb (F5) to no avail. ArcMap 10.6.1.