I'm looking for a way to easily detect all feature classes in an enterprise geodatabase that are configured with branch versioning. Anyone found a straightforward way to do this in an automated fashion?
Arcpy's describe provides a way to determine if the feature class is versioned, but no way to distinguish between traditional vs branch. So that's led me to look at the SDE business tables, and I found two possible candidates. I'm curious if anyone has had more experience with these since I can't find documentation on what each do.
BRANCH_TABLES_MODIFIED is the first candidate. It has a BRANCH_ID column with many of the rows having a zero in this column. Then there is a REGISTRATION_ID which seems to be the same ID as on SDE.TABLE_REGISTRY. I assume that BRANCH_ID = 0 equates to default version for each table. So if I filter to BRANCH_ID=0 and join to TABLE_REGISTRY does that get me the comprehensive list?
MULTIBRANCH_TABLES is another candidate with a REGISTRATION_ID and a START_MOMENT date column. I seem to get fewer tables back from this.