I have a python script that does a simple delete and append which updates feature class's in a GDB daily.
The updates come from a source database (Oracle GDB).
The target GDB is ArcGIS 10.5.
The original python script was hosted on a ETL server (windows 2003 -ArcGIS 10.0/Python 2.6).
This script was working perfectly for years running the updates from the Oracle database out to the target Geodatabases.
I recently moved the ETL script to a newer server with newer software (windows 2008 -ArcGIS 10.3.1/Python 2.7).
This immediately started causing issues with Geodatabases.
It caused the website that displays the data to hang and when viewed in ArcMap the feature classes took 3/4 times as long to draw and even longer to query.
When I rolled back my upgrade and put the scripts back on the old server, everything was perfectly fine again.
I have narrowed it down to the append process in ArcGIS 10.3.1.
The reason is not the obvious (that I am appending data from a 10.0 GDB to 10.5.1 using a python script in 10.3.1).
I know this because I have copied the target GDB to my ETL server and the feature class works fine in ArcMap. If I then run the delete and append script from a second copy of the GDB the issue arises. The data is identical in both GDBs so I am wondering is this an issue with the append tool in ArcGIS 10.3.1?
Has anyone else experienced this issue? I am at a loss as to how to proceed
Sharing with Geodatabase and GIS
I do see a few items to clarify:
- Is the new EGDB (10.5.1) on the same Oracle server ( as the "old" one? Oracle database requirements for ArcGIS 10.5.x—System Requirements | ArcGIS Desktop
- If the EGDB is at 10.5.1, why are you using a 10.3.1 client? Is it because it is the only client that can connect to that old of a GDB at v10.0? Client and geodatabase compatibility—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop
- You may want to set up and analyze the SDE client intercept on the old vs new GDB to help determine where the hang up is. How To: Set up an SDEINTERCEPT log file on a client machine for ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Server & How To: Diagnose ArcSDE connection and performance issues using SDEINTERCEPT
Thanks for your response George.
There are many different servers here, new and old. The target 10.5.1 GDB is actually a file geodatabase that is hosted on a windows 2012 machine. The source (Oracle database) is on a different machine and the ETL server is another machine that is essentially the middle man between these 2 machines and many others.
As I mentioned I believe the issue lies with the append tool in 10.3.1 as once it has been run the feature classes become virtually unusable.
To break it down even simpler if I have a feature class in a GDB and I run Delete Features (Data Management) tool and use the Append (Data Management) to put the same data back into the feature class I run into the issue I have described.
Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned all about the environments/versions I am using, I was just trying to provide some context.
Thanks for the context and clarification.
It may be an issue with the append tool into the file geodatabase. I am not aware of any off the top of my head.
It may be best to create a technical support case to work with an analyst on this as there are a lot of moving parts.
You are probably right George, I will open a support ticket and see what happens.
I have tested the Truncate Table (Data Management) [arcpy.TruncateTable_management} tool in the script instead of the delete features tool and it seems to be helping. Anyhow the battle goes on.