I am trying to restore a database (GeoDatabase version 10.9.x) on postgres 13.x either onprem or to RDS. I am finding the database name is stored and I cannot restore to a different name.
is there a cleanup script for this? or am I doing something wrong??
Thanks in advance
Steve W.
Solved! Go to Solution.
@sweingartner - this is well known, the PostgreSQL database cannot be renamed, or it will break the Enterprise Geodatabase SDE Repository.
You can read more on my white paper.
community.esri.com - How to Move the PostgreSQL Enterprise Geodatabase with pg_dump and pg_restore
I hope this helps.
I am glad to help. Thanks.
@sweingartner - this is well known, the PostgreSQL database cannot be renamed, or it will break the Enterprise Geodatabase SDE Repository.
You can read more on my white paper.
community.esri.com - How to Move the PostgreSQL Enterprise Geodatabase with pg_dump and pg_restore
I hope this helps.
Thank you so far, I had read that a few years ago, but was hoping it was fixed
You can vote for the idea here
Rename PostgreSQL Geodatabase - Esri Community
thank you for the clarification, and the "how-to" ab=nd sorry for trying to continue this thread. I don't see this as a solution at all, rather a reason not to use postgres as the backend database. I am new to the ESRI community, and to geospatial data in gereral. I have spoken with my teams Oracle DBA's and they do have the same issue. Could there be a cleanup script to fix this difference?
I want to clarify the following points.
Oracle Enterprise Geodatabase - we can rename the Oracle Database Name or the Oracle Pluggable Database Name and that does not break the Geodatabase Repository. I have been doing this without any issues for decades.
community.esri.com - How to Move the Oracle Enterprise Geodatabase with the Oracle Data Pump Utility
SQL Server Enterprise Geodatabases (*) - the capability was only added in ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and now the SQL Server Database can be renamed and that does not break the Geodatabase Repository anymore, but you must be using ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and upgrade the Geodatabase Repository with ArcGIS Pro 3.0.
community.esri.com - How to Move the SQL Server Enterprise Geodatabase with a Database Backup
see more links at the bottom of this post (*)
PostgreSQL Geodatabase, unfortunately we cannot rename the PostgreSQL database because it still breaks the Geodatabase Repository.
There is no cleanup script to fix this issue.
Some alternatives are available, not ideal, but we can create a new empty PostgreSQL Geodatabase then use ArcGIS to copy/paste the data from one geodatabase to the other, there are other methods and tools to reload large datasets with ArcGIS from one geodatabase to the other.
community.esri.com - How to Move the PostgreSQL Enterprise Geodatabase with pg_dump and pg_restore
(*) Methods to move a geodatabase in SQL Server—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
When you move a SQL Server database that contains a 10.9.1.x or earlier version geodatabase,
you cannot rename the database when you move it. When you restore the database, for example,
you are given the opportunity to restore it with a different name. Don't do this with a geodatabase;
you won't be able to connect to it.
When you move a SQL Server that contains an 11.x version geodatabase, you can rename the
database when you move it.
What's new in ArcGIS Pro 3.0—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Enterprise geodatabases and databases
Enterprise geodatabases in Microsoft SQL Server that you create or upgrade in ArcGIS Pro 3.0
allow you to restore the SQL Server database with a different name from the original name.
Changes associated with this functionality mean that the following is true of 11.x geodatabases in
SQL Server:
ArcGIS Pro 2.2 and earlier versions cannot connect to them.
ArcGIS 10.6.1 and earlier versions cannot connect to them.
Table and feature class names no longer include the database name.
For example, a table named productdata.dataowner.inventory in a 10.9.x geodatabase is named
dataowner.inventory starting with 11.x geodatabases.
Restoring SQL Server Databases with a New Name (esri.com)
I hope this helps.
Thank you for your input, I understand "That's just the way it is" I will just plan work arounds
I am glad to help. Thanks.