Bit of a reverse of a common question.
Is it possible to connect a file GDB to MS Access, either to feed data or to use it as an interface?
It seems like Access doesn't recognize file GDBs by itself, but I was thinking maybe using ODBC?
Develop an ODBC driver for the esri File Geodataba... - Esri Community
There was also this question, where someone says it'd be possible to make one using the API, but not sure if anyone ever did that FGDB ODBC driver? - Esri Community
Hello @AlfredBaldenweck
You will find the answer to your questions and a lot more details in this ArcGIS Blog article.
Thank you for the response, however, that is the answer to the opposite question of what I asked, which is about using file GDBs in Access, not about using Access files in Pro.
There is no ODBC driver for file geodatabases therefore is not possible to integrate file geodatabases with Access out of the box and you will need to create some custom tool to be able to do this.
You can explore alternatives like Safe Software FME Workbench and ArcGIS Pro Data Interoperability Extension to read file geodatabase data and synchronize data with an Access Database.
FME Transformer Reference Guide (
List of Readers and Writers (
ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension for Desktop—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation