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Check Geometry on Annotations

05-10-2016 07:09 AM
Frequent Contributor

I have several related annotation FC that I created in an SDE environment. After updating to 10.4 we were unable to grant permissions to viewers on the FDS that the annos and FC are stored in. My boss exported the data to a FGDB and ran a Check Geometry on it. Every single annotation was recorded haveing, self intersection, bad dataset extent, and null geometry. He now wants me to "fix the annotations". I am beyond confused!

My understanding was that the SDE environment wouldnt tolerate the same issues that a FGDB or PGDB would and thats why the GP tools Check and Repair Geometry arent available in SDE.

I need help explaining why these errors exsist in the FGDB, I also need to determine how an annotation feature class differens from a standard vector in regards to these types of tools. Please help, my boss thinks Im stupid and I cant prove my point...

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