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ArcPro: This 10.0 geodatabase matches the ArcGIS release you are currently using.

01-27-2025 01:31 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am currently working on creating a utility network locally as a proof of concept. The geodatabase version must be or later. However my geodatabase is at 10.0 and I get the message "This 10.0 geodatabase matches the ArcGIS release you are currently using."  Our Enterprise geodatabases are at and I am not give the option to Run Upgrade. When trying to upgrade with the tool I get the error:  001046 The geodatabase is already at the current release and cannot be upgraded.




Any help on getting the Geodatabases to upgrade is appreciated.

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

If you are just doing a local proof of concept of the utility network, have you considered just using a file geodatabase or mobile geodatabase? The Apply Asset Package to Geodatabase tool makes creating a local geodatabase for doing a proof of concept easy.

Esri Regular Contributor

@TommyJackson - It seems you are using Pro 3.1.5, the screenshot for the File Geodatabase shows 10.0, there is no upgrade for file geodatabases, the screenshot for the SQL Server Geodatabase shows the ArcSDE Repository at 3.1.5 - 11.1, and that matches Pro 3.1.5, hence the SQL Server Geodatabase ArcSDE Repository does not need upgrade. I hope this clarifies.

| Marcelo Marques | Esri Principal Product Engineer | Cloud & Database Administrator | OCP - Oracle Database Certified Professional | "In 1992, I embarked on my journey with Esri Technology, and since 1997, I have been working with ArcSDE Geodatabases, right from its initial release. Over the past 32 years, my passion for GIS has only grown stronger." | “ I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Isaac Isimov |
Esri Esteemed Contributor

File geodatabase hasn't really changed since 10.0 (vice the 9.x architecture). There have been types added, the use of which would make older clients not recognize those tables, but the underlying format hasn't changed, and there isn't an upgrade procedure for them.

- V

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