Utility and Pipeline Data Model 2023 is Released

11-20-2023 02:10 PM
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Utility and Pipeline Data Model 2023 is Released

By Tom DeWitte and Tom Coolidge

Esri’s Utility and Pipeline Data Model (UPDM) 2023 is available now. This release continues Esri’s practice of maintaining a template data model ready “out-of-the-box” to manage gas and hazardous liquid pipe system data within an Esri geodatabase. This release includes enhancements to keep up with changes in industry practice and implementation feedback received since the previous release.

Updates to Industry Barcode Standard

In mid-2023, the ASTM technical committee overseeing the F2897 barcode standard published an update. F2897 is the Tracking and Traceability encoding system defining the format of the barcode that manufacturers place on their pipe, fittings, valves, and other assets. This update added new materials, new manufacturer components and new manufacturers to the standard.

New materials include PE80, PE100 and Reinforced Epoxy Resin, to name a few of the additions.

New manufacturer components include new types of pipe, new types of fittings, and more combination components such as Reducer Socket Fusion with EFV.

There were also four new manufacturers added to the standard. These additional manufacturers are:

                -Improved Piping Products

                -Shawcor Composite Production Systems

                -Krah USA LLC

                -Hawkeye Industries Inc

All these modifications now have been baked into UPDM 2023 to continue its support of this important industry standard.

Updates Based on Implementation Feedback

There are now dozens of gas and hazardous liquid organizations in production with UPDM. As each organization goes through its journey of implementing this geospatial system of record, Esri’s industry data model gets tested and retested. These projects are located globally, and our implementation partners continue to provide feedback when a gap is identified.

This list of recommendations from implementations is short, as the data model has reached a level of maturity and completeness that limits the need for change. For this release we have:

  • added Storage Facility as a new type of PipelineAssembly.
  • added Olet as a new group to PipelineJunction to cover a type of fitting known as olets.  Weldolet, Threadolet, and Sockolet are types of olets that are now a part of our industry data model.
  • added Service Station as an additional type of PipelineDevice to support the emerging idea of compressed natural gas, and hydrogen as fuels for transportation.

Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation

For many gas utility and hazardous liquid pipeline enterprises, deploying ArcGIS is more than simply loading the UPDM 2023 data model into an enterprise geodatabase. That’s because ArcGIS leverages the concepts of a service-oriented web GIS. It requires additional steps, such as creating an ArcGIS Pro map configured for publishing the data model, publishing of the Pro map to create the required map and feature services and, perhaps, configuring a location referencing system. To help simplify these additional steps performed with UPDM 2023, Esri has embedded UPDM 2023 into the Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation. This solution provides UPDM 2023, sample data, and an ArcGIS Pro project configured with tasks and performance-optimized maps.

You can access this solution from the Esri ArcGIS for Gas solution site.

A full data dictionary of UPDM 2023 is available online.

A change log documenting the full list of changes incorporated into UPDM 2023 is also available online.

Esri’s Template Data Model for the Industry

Esri first released UPDM in 2015 as a part of a new vision of how a geospatial system of record for pipe systems can be much more than a departmental solution. It can be a foundational enterprise system providing a unified office and mobile workforce with a near real time single source of the truth.

This belief that there should be a single source of the truth from which the entire organization can view, query, create and maintain their entire pipe network has driven not only the development of this industry data model, but also the development of our network management and linear referencing capabilities.

The Vision.png

UPDM is the only industry data model built by Esri in collaboration with Esri’s ArcGIS software development team to support the enterprise needs of the gas and hazardous liquid pipe industries. UPDM is a moderately normalized data model that explicitly represents each physical component of a gas pipe network from the wellhead to the customer meter, or a hazardous liquids pipe network from the wellhead to the terminal or delivery point, in a single database table object.


This freely available data model is designed to take full advantage of the capabilities of the geodatabase. The data model is created and tested with ArcGIS products to ensure that it works. This significantly reduces the complexity, time, and cost to implement a spatially enabled hazardous liquid or gas pipe system data repository.

Looking ahead to the Future

A wise man once said “change is the only constant.” This is a great quote when thinking about UPDM going forward. The Esri development team will continue to enhance the capabilities of ArcGIS. Industry will continue to evolve its practices. To continue adjusting to industry practices and incorporating new ArcGIS capabilities, UPDM will continue to evolve.  This evolution will help assure gas utilities and hazardous liquid pipeline operators that their GIS industry-specific data model is current with their needs.

PLEASE NOTE: The postings on this site are our own and don’t necessarily represent Esri’s position, strategies, or opinions.

Frequent Contributor

Great News!!!

For the ones that we are not using the Utility Network, are we going to have this update also in The solution Pipeline Referencing Foundation ?

New Contributor

Task Create Cathodic Protection Zone 

Step 9: Identify CP Isolation Feature 

Layer search needs to be updated to state "CTRLlbl-Vlv-48"

I could not get it to find "cntrllbl-Vlv-48" as stated in the task currently.


Trying cntrllbl-Vlv-48



Trying CTRLlbl-Vlv-48 worked great.



Occasional Explorer

case-sensitive collation perhaps? 

Occasional Explorer

/Is there any PDF available for same?

Esri Regular Contributor

The data dictionary for UPDM is an online interactive website. You can access the data dictionary with this link. https://solutions.arcgis.com/utilities/data-dictionary/index.html?cacheId=560f98a979504c01bdf15ab032... 


Tom DeWitte

Esri Technical Lead for Natural Gas and District Energy

Occasional Explorer

Hi @TomDeWitte 

I'm struggling to find reference materials on creating a UPDM schema for legacy data. I plan to migrate my data and utilize UPDM going forward. Can you offer any guidance?


My legacy can have some additional information as well that may be not available UPDM. I assume we will be able to add customized columns as well while implementing the APR for same.. Please Guide

Occasional Explorer

Hello @TomDeWitte . I was hoping it was addressed in this 2023 release, but unless I'm missing something, it appears that there is no relationship that is defined between  P_InlineInspection  and  P_ILISurveyReading. Shouldn't there be a foreign key in P_ILISurveyReading that links it back to correct P_InlineInspection event? I wasn't able to find any related topics or comments that addresses this issue. Thanks!

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Rita,

You are correct, there is no relationship class between P_InlineInspection and P_ILISurveyReading in UPDM2023. There is only the relationship class between P_ILISurveyReading and P_ILISurveyGroup. 

I noticed in your message you ask about a relationship between P_InlineInspection and P_ILISurveyReading.  But you did not mention a relationship between P_ILIInspectionRange with P_ILISurveyReading or P_ILIInspectionRange with P_ILISurveyGroup.  What is the relational hierarchy that you would recommend exist for the management of pipeline inspections and the data collected as part of those inspections?

Tom DeWitte

Occasional Explorer

@TomDeWitte P_ILIInspectionRange feature class has a field inlineinspectionid ("The inline inspection feature class column containing the matching primary key value for relationships to associated components"), which ties P_ILIInspectionRange and P_InlineInspection (the length or range of a single inline inspection event on a pipe segment). Per UPDM data dictionary, "Multiple inline inspections can be grouped together as inline inspection ranges." These two layers are related, but this relationship is not specifically called out in the online data dictionary, under the "Relationships" section. 

The point feature class P_ILISurveyGroup is a cluster of individual ILI anomalies in P_ILISurveyReadings that are boxed together based on anomaly interaction rules. This is one-to-many relationship, and the intent is clear as described in the UPDM data dictionary documentation. 

The feature class  P_ILISurveyReadings needs a field "inlineinspectionid " that links each ILI reading to specific P_InlineInspection event (one-to-many relationship between P_InlineInspection and P_ILISurveyReadings). 

The ILI Inspection Range feature class could benefit from additional fields to store important attributes, such as assessment type (baseline, reassessment, other), established reassessment interval, ILI status indicator (for example: planned, scheduled, results pending, completed-current, completed-historic, archived, etc. ). This would be helpful for operators in managing assessment schedules and creating reports. 

The point feature class P_Anomaly (describes deficiencies in the pipeline system as detected from inline inspection runs of a pigging device) is missing a link to P_ILISurveyReadings. Would be great to have this relationship documented, so it is clear which ILI anomaly is being excavated/inspected.  There is a relationship for P_InspectionRange_P_AnomalyGroup, but none for P_InspectionRange_P_Anomaly (when a single anomaly is inspected). 

The P_Anomaly has three fields (bprcalculated, bprpig, bprvariance) I'm not sure if the definitions are correct for BPR (my guess the intent is to record burst pressure ratio, not "back pressure"?). However, that would be redundant with rpr (rupture pressure ratio). P_ILISurveyReadings also uses "back pressure ratio", as well as "rupture pressure ratio". The most common calculations that operators track and record are calculated safe pressure and burst pressure (using various methods, such as B31G, modB31G, RSRENG, etc) values and associated ratios and estimated repair factors. These are initially provided by ILI vendors, and confirmed after anomaly inspection using actual field measurements. The variance can then be recorded in P_Anomaly.

About the Author
Technical Lead for Natural Gas Industry at Esri