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Participate in the Disaster Resilience App Challenge

08-04-2014 08:24 AM
Labels (4)
Esri Contributor

Communities in every country are impacted by disasters. The forecast for continued climate-related disasters is that they will continue to worsen. You can help by joining Esri and other developers meet the Global Disaster Resilience App Challenge. Your challenge is to build map tools that help communities see, understand, and prepare for a variety of disasters.

Esri is helping developers like you meet the challenge by offering them ArcGIS platform developer tools. In addition, Esri will present a $10,000 award each for the best professional/scientific app and the best consumer/public-facing app.

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) provides a list of essential strategies that apps should address. For example, apps are needed that build local alliances, help people reduce fire risk around their homes, and use data for flood drainage analysis. You will find UNISDR's essential list, more app ideas, and other details on the Esri Global Disaster Resilience App Challenge website.

The submission deadline is August 27, 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time).

Enter the App Challenge!


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