Using Pathfinder Office, I'm trying to convert a .cor file (differentially corrected GPS data) to a shapefile, but am only getting a .inf file and a .txt. file as a result. Does this mean the original data collected was corrupted? I didn't collect it and don't have the original data on the GPS, so I'm just working with .cor files sent to me.
from all the old threads using .... Pathfinder Office ... as a key search phrase, it seems that you export to shapefile from there, and the inf and cor files are native to that software. What is he procedure you are using? a save? or an export to shapefile?\
Thanks, Dan. I've done it many, many times with no problems, but in those instances, I did the differential correction of the raw data myself. The procedure I use is :
-In Utilities menu, choose "Export..."
-Browse to the .COR file I want to export and choose it
-Browse to and choose the output file I want
-I already have all the Properties checked that I want, but I did double check those, just in case
-Then I press "Ok."
-It always prompts me to remind me that I don't have a coordinate system chosen (I leave WGS 84 as the default, then define it in Arc because I've had better results doing it this way), so I just tell it to continue and then it exports.
Hmmmm don't use it, but I certainly don't like the fact that the data doesn't have a defined coordinate system first, before you export. You should be able to set it then export. And as a backup, export the file to as many different formats as humanly possible, *.csv, *.txt in comma or tab separated AND to a shapefile. One of those formats should be able to be read unless there is something wrong with the inputs (null objects etc) or the extents are wildly wrong.
I think there's something wrong with the data. I'm going to try to get the raw data and re-correct it, then see if it works. I'll let you guys know if I figure something out.
keep us posted then
Check the correct answer in the following link for a few additional steps in Pathfinder Office.
convert - Converting GeoExplorer gps data points - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange
Thanks, Jayanta. I tried those tricks just in case, but it didn't make a difference. I've always been able to export with no problems, but I've previously done the differential correction of the raw data myself. That's why I think this problem may be related to how the correction was done, or something like that.