Came across what looks to be a linux 64-bit specific bug when opening the same gdb twice (using different FileGDBAPI::Geodatabase instances) simultaneously - the CloseDatabase call is never returning.
Ive attached some code to reproduce this (just need to modify the path to the gdb to point to something valid).
On the same linux rhel6 (64 bit) machine, this code:
* works fine when built as 32-bit
* hangs forever on the first CloseDatabase call (debugger shows it is stuck in FileGDBAPI::Geodatabase::CloseGeodatabase() ), when built as 64-bit.
Its based on one of the samples, so Im just using "make" to build 64-bit and "make ARCH=32" to build 32-bit.. And Im using v1.3 of the API, but also happens with earlier versions.
I assume this is a fundamentally supported thing to do (?) - I can't see anything in the docs to the contrary..