Cannot acquire a lock...

09-06-2011 04:59 PM
Occasional Contributor
I am using the API to update several geodatabases with near real-time data every hour. These are being served out as REST map services with light (10-20 concurrent users) usage. I am starting to get the FileGDBException "Cannot acquire a lock" from time to time when trying to write to the gdb. I'm sure it relates to the fact that AGS has locked some tables. I have two questions:

1. Are there any hard and fast rules that determine when these kind of locking problems may occur (e.g. number of mapservices accessing the gdb, time from last gdb parse, etc.)?

2. Is there a way to override other locks using the API, or, is there another paradigm I should consider for pushing updates out without having any downtime? Formerly I have used ArcObjects SDK to toggle map services, but I was really hoping to avoid ArcObjects entirely with this API.

Thanks for any advice,
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2 Replies
New Contributor III
This is a well known issue with multi-user concurrent access to File Geodatabases.  Even with ArcObjects it is a common occurrence.  The scenario typically involves read-only access by several client processes (often via a server), conflicting with occasional write-access by the database administrator.  The several readers remain active nearly constantly, which effectively blocks the writer.

In ArcGIS 10.1, a new capability has been added to improve this situation.  A concept of lock request queuing was added.  This behavior is optional and is switched on by changing a setting in the locking system.  It adds the notion of mutliple retries for lock requests.  Instead of simply failing when a lock conflict exists, the lock is added to a queue.  At user controlled time intervals, the lock request is retried a specified number of times.  Since read locks are generally short lived, there is a good chance that a write lock request will succeed on retry.  Once the write lock request is queued, it takes priority over any subsequent read lock requests.

This new capability has not yet exist in the FileGDB API, but it could be added in a future release.

In the meantime, there is another technique that some users have employed successfully.  What they do is have two versions of the File Geodatabase.  One is the database that is made publicly available via a server.  This database should be placed on a shared folder.  The second is the one that is used by the administrator to maintain the data.  The second database is not publicly accessible, therefore the admin can do whatever updates are required without having to worry about lock conflicts.  Once the second database has been updated, you un-share the public shared folder of the public version and share the updated version.  This happens within milliseconds.

If any readers were connected to the original data, they will be "kicked off", but they can re-acquire the connection to the new version.

Hopefully, I have explained this adequately.
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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the response and background info. The share/unshare workaround is interesting. Is it possible to automate this approach? Also, since my 'readers' are just instances of ArcGIS server, will there be any problems associated with kicking it out?

Also, would it be possible to submit a feature request for a bool TrySetWriteLock() method? That way I could test if a lock was acquired without having to throw an exception.

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