Esri Community Must-Knows for FedGIS 2023

01-24-2023 09:44 AM
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Esri Community Manager
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Esri Federal GIS is in-person again this year and will be held February 7-8, 2023 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. The Esri Community team will be present to connect with attendees. Here are the top four must-know details about how to find us and what we’ll be up to.


1. Booth Location


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You can find the Esri Community booth facing a main aisle, right across from the Partner Presentation Theater. We’re also next to the Customer Service setup, so let questions lead your footsteps in our direction.


2. Help More Esri Users Get Connected


If you’re reading this article, there’s every reason to believe you’re a regular user here on Esri Community and already familiar with the numerous ways it supports GIS professionals. There will be others at the conference who don’t yet share that familiarity. Please feel encouraged to send them our way or even escort them over to our booth to initiate an introduction. We’d love to answer their questions and help them get an account set up. The more GIS minds we have in Esri Community, the more collaboration takes place!


3. Share Your Community Story


Our team has a renewed emphasis on telling meaningful stories about our members, which is exampled in our monthly Esri Community Member Spotlight series. If you 'd like to share how Esri Community is helping you in your work, how it’s connecting you to GIS peers, or is otherwise an element in a story that others might be interested in then we want to hear about it.

Feel encouraged to let us know ahead of time with an email to or just swing by our booth.

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Esri Community member Krishna Murthy was featured in our December Member Spotlight


4. Share Your ArcGIS Ideas


The ArcGIS Ideas Exchange is a great place to share your innovative ideas directly with Esri’s product teams. Customers with a free Esri Community account can propose product updates or new features at any time, or vote for Ideas submitted by others. In the course of 2022, the Esri team received 2,311 Ideas from customers that had 13,252 Kudos votes distributed among them. After review, 241 of those Ideas were implemented into product updates. This to point out that we’re serious about working with ArcGIS users to understand how ArcGIS products are being used and what updates will have the greatest impact.

At the Esri Community booth, we’ll be collecting Ideas and helping attendees navigate the Ideas Exchange, so feel encouraged to bring your inspiration our way! And if you hear someone else saying, “it’d be great if …” or “I really wish …” or “what if …” about an Esri product, be an ambassador by helping them find our team to make sure their thoughts are heard.

Now equipped with these top need-to-know details, we can’t wait to see you at FedGIS! Our team loves meeting with the folks who spend time here in this platform and putting faces to usernames, so please don’t feel you need an excuse to just stop by for a friendly hello or to pick up your Esri Community button and sticker.

Don’t forget to tweet about your visit to our booth and tag us @EsriCommunity_ during the event!

About the Author
I'm a Community Manager focused on Engagement & Content here at Esri. My guiding ethos is that community — people coming together around shared purpose, demonstrating collective support, and collaborating in mutually beneficial ways — is the most powerful source for progress in the world. I'm at your service as we make great things happen through GIS.