Hi @RobertScheitlin__GISP I have a request, which I hope is simple, or perhaps you can lead me in the right direction.
I want to create a simple widget where, if I click anywhere on my map, it shows either in a pop-op box or other small, separate window a URL dynamically-created based on the lat-long coordinates. To clarify, here's an example:
I go to this widget click on the pin icon (similar to what's in the Measurement widget). I then click anyplace on the map, and lets suppose the point I am at is 42.7192992,-73.8323004. What happens when I click is that a URL for a specific website appears with the location, e.g., if URL = https://www.google.com/maps/ then I'd get:
which I can then click on to bring me to a Google Maps window. I'm trying to wrangle this out in TypeScript, albeit with very limited experience with the language. Thanks!
This sounds very similar to the workflow that I used on my custom widget in WAB.
Have you seen this sample?
You can also look at the code in custom widgets like my elocate to get coding examples (specifically the widget.tsx handleRevGeocodeBtnClick function).
Yes, I have. What I am trying to do is sort of reverse-engineer the Meaurement widget, pruning out some things and trying to add what I need