Query Related Records

05-15-2024 06:39 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor III


Does anyone know if there is a way in experience builder developer edition to query related records from a datasource?


QueriableDataSource has a query method but I am wondering if there is another method somewhere for related records? As of now, I have to access the layer properly of QueriableDataSource and then check for relationships, then use queryRelatedFeatures on the layer.


Does anyone know of a better way? Sometimes I'm unsure on whether or not I should be relying on functionality in the jimu-arcgis library or access the underlying ArcGIS maps JS SDK. 


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MVP Regular Contributor

I always run queries through the JS SDK because it's so much better documented. Is it possible to run queries without calling in a method from the JS SDK? I think so, but there is nothing that tells you how. Meanwhile, the JS SDK has excellent documentation, so that's what I look at. 

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
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