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New to YPN & Early Career Professional with the City of Ellensburg

12-04-2024 04:43 PM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

Hello, my name is Teo Bicchieri and I am still early in my professional career with the City of Ellensburg. 

I studied GIS and Geography at Central Washington University and earned an MA in Geography from the National University of Ireland, Galway. I am excited to be part of the YPN and see how everybody else is leveraging the great community knowledge!

3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Nice to meet you Teo! Thanks for connecting with the YPN community. What do you do for the City of Ellensburg?

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Occasional Contributor

Glad to be here. I am the GIS Supervisor for the City.

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Occasional Contributor

Hello, Teo!

Great to hear from you! 

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