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Register Now: Free Esri Cartography Course

03-26-2024 02:18 PM
Esri Contributor
8 10 435


Course Details:

When: April 3-May 15, 2024

Where: Esri Academy

Duration: 6 Weeks (2-3 hours of study per week)

Cost: Free

Join this well-loved, free massive open online course (MOOC) to learn the art of cartography and discover how to create beautiful maps using ArcGIS Pro.

The course includes:

  • Access to ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online
  • Guided exercises, videos by subject matter experts, quizzes, and discussion
  • A certificate for course completion

Sign Up Today →

P.S. Registration closes on April 17, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (PT). 

New Contributor III

will licensing be provided with this course or are we expected to have our own? 

Esri Regular Contributor

@CHedger - it will be provided!

Esri Community Manager

Licensing is provided!

New Contributor III

that is amazing thank you!

New Contributor III

Thanks for this reminder. I love the MOOCs but I seem to start and never quite finish. Is there an extra accountability community around these MOOC that can help me across the finish line and not get distracted by my other GIS graduate student course-load?

Esri Contributor

@PhilippaBurgess Glad you are enjoying the MOOCs! You may want to look over page 2 of Carto Tips for Success (the course syllabus), which has some useful information to help you stay on track. 

Also, if you are on LinkedIn, we highly recommend joining Esri's Cartography. MOOC group designed for learners to stay up to date on related MOOC activities. After the last section opens, many attendees will share their certificates of completion to celebrate, which can be very motivating for others to hurry up and cross the finish line as well. Then you can share your certificate of completion! 

Good luck, we are rooting for you! 

New Contributor

Thank you 

New Contributor

How often is this course offered? I would love to take it but timing is not great for me.

New Contributor

Unsure how often they come up. You can get on the mailing list for them. You will need at least a personal subscription to ArcPRO. Hope this helps

Esri Contributor

@mschappert Hello! Esri currently offers this particular cartography course once a year. If you are unable to make this one, be sure to follow our MOOC calendar and subscribe at the bottom of the page for notifications regarding all upcoming offerings.