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Earth Imagery at Work AMA (Ask Me Anything): Friday Oct 20, 10:30 am-11:30am PT

10-10-2017 11:59 AM
Esri Regular Contributor

Join Earth Imagery at Work instructors Kevin Butler and Emily Windahl, live here on the GeoNet Community for an AMA (Ask Me Anything). The AMA will take place in this discussion thread on Friday October 20, 2017 from 10:30am-11:30am PT, and we invite you to ask Kevin and Emily questions about the course, about earth imagery data, Esri software, GIS or anything else that comes to mind. 

During the AMA, if you are logged in, you can post your questions in the comments below and Kevin and Emily will reply to your questions in comments. You're welcome to post questions ahead of the AMA but we won't begin answering them until the AMA begins on October 20 at 10:30am PT. 

AMA Tips and GeoNet Community Guidelines

  • When asking questions and comments during the AMA, remember to follow the GeoNet Community Guiding Principles.
  • This discussion page will not auto-refresh, so please remember to refresh this page to see new questions, comments and replies. 

You'll know the AMA is live when you see the picture below with Kevin and Emily. 

Thanks for joining us and we'll see you then!

10:30am - And we're live! Go ahead and ask your questions! 

11:03am - We're halfway through. Great questions! Keep 'em coming! 

11:25am - Five minutes to go! Got any fun questions for Kevin and Emily?

11:30am - Overtime! We'll take your questions too during this bonus 10 minutes! 

11:40am  - And that's a wrap! The live AMA has ended but Kevin and Emily will continue to answer questions as schedules allow. Thanks for joining us and asking great questions! 

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73 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

I have responded to you via e-mail. 

0 Kudos
New Contributor

I would like to create a map on Harvey and the flooded area of Houston. Are there readily available and authoritative GIS data for this? (I already have FEMA's geodata for affected strcutures and buildings) And what are your suggestions for creating such a map?

Esri Contributor

Hi Julie! There is some Houston imagery from Vexcel that you should be able to use. How to create the map depends on what you want to do with it, but there are some great examples of interactive web maps and apps for emergency response. This Address Locator app related to Hurricane Harvey is pretty cool. And this project to crowdsource damage assessment for Puerto Rico is also pretty exciting. If you want to try your hand building an imagery app, check out this blog, also. Good luck!

Occasional Contributor

Do you know of any comparable debris and wind impact data for Irma?

0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Hi, Mark. I'm not aware of any at the moment, but I'm following up with our Disaster Response team. I'll follow up here if I find out anything.

0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Mark, it looks like any data we have will be available through the Disaster Response Program ArcGIS Online group. You can join this group to see the latest disaster-related data that's available. 

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Emerging Contributor


I am also working on creating maps for Hurricane Harvey flooding with emphasis on my area of residence (zips 77059, 77062, 77058, 77586).  I think I have found the same data set you have, which is the FEMA Harvey Damage Assessment Model. However I have not been able to find data on actual flooded structures and from checking various neighborhoods myself I found that the modeled assessment  is much different from actual structural flooding.  Looking at the FIRMs I note that many flooded residences are in Zone X-Minimal Risk.

If possible please let me know if you have found useful information on actual flooding.  So far I searched/sent inquiries to FEMA, HCFCD, and Judge Ed Emmett without success.  If they provide me any useful information I will post it here.



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Emerging Contributor

The interactive GIS tool at the link below is very informative regarding Harvey damage:

In particular there is a layer called "City of Houston Damage Assessment" that contains counts of damaged structures city-wide as of 12 October.  However the area polygons they are using to accumulate the counts are very confusing.  I will investigate further to try to determine the basis for these polygons.

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Occasional Contributor

Hello !

I need names / links of organizations in the market that could hire GIS technicians / analysts to do the job from home !

Hope to have a positive reply

Thank you 

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Quratulann,

That's a great question. I'm thinking you are looking for short term projects rather than a full time job.

Do be aware that you will likely need to provide your own software and have a strong portfolio or presence to confirm that you are qualified.


A little searching with terms like “freelance” “gis” will pop up sites that both list those looking to hire people for projects and places to list yourself and your credentials. 


One site that offers both is Upwork

Gigs available

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