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Receive ArcGIS patch notifications in the Esri Support App

09-27-2022 06:23 AM

Receive ArcGIS patch notifications in the Esri Support App

As a manager of an ArcGIS deployment, you play a crucial role in keeping your installed software up-to-date with the latest patches. Depending on the size of your GIS or organization, this task may be challenging, but it's essential for the smooth operation of your system. 

The easiest way to stay informed is through the Esri Support app - In this app, you can use the Patches tab to see the latest releases. 



If you want to be notified of new patches, be sure to enable notifications from the Esri Support app on your mobile device so you stay updated with the information for your ArcGIS deployment.


New Contributor

I've applied this technique at and it worked for me and solved many problems

New Contributor II

Any chance you could update this for the new Support page, as the new page makes it almost impossible to find latest patches for specific versions. 

Esri Regular Contributor

@JoshuaWatson3 I'm looking into this with the web team and will get back to you. 

In the meantime, here is a good starting point to search based on products and patches:

Esri Regular Contributor

@AndrewMunn I wrote this doc when the old site was still around. 

Can you provide an update and timeline of when the website will have this feature re-added?

Esri Contributor

Our support site team understands that subscribing to products to get notified about support updates is an important feature for many customers.  Our previous site had problems with the subscription functionality.  We are evaluating better methods for providing subscriptions.  At this point, we do not have a timeline for when this will be available.

Occasional Contributor III

I had problems with the previous subscription functionality, but sad to see that it's been replaced with nothing. Inconsistent emails were better than no notifications. This functionality isn't supported in the new My Esri site, either, where ArcGIS Pro patches are released.

If you understand that this is an important feature for many customers, as stated in the original post by @ChristianWells and then in the comments by @AndrewMunn, why was it removed with no timeline for reinstatement and with no alternatives? Do you have any alternatives, after laying out the importance of this now-defunct feature?


Occasional Contributor III

Hi @StandardSupport

Thanks for your response. I don't know that I was aware of push notifications for patches and KB articles in the support mobile app - is there a blog post or other info advertising that? Unfortunately, that mobile app does not appear to be approved for installation at my organization, or our parent organization. I did come across an ArcGIS Companion app, which I'm also not familiar with.

Is this logged as an issue with Technical Support or Customer Service, or shall we stay tuned to the Community forums to track any progress on web-based notifications, if they are reinstated?


Esri Contributor

Hi @PaulHoefflerGISS ,

I accidently posted from a testing account, so I am posting again from my official Esri account.

Thanks for your feedback.  We have notifications for patches and knowledge base articles available through the support mobile app.  We thought that functionality would be sufficient while we developed new notification functionality on the support site.  The new site notification functionality is taking longer than we anticipated.  I apologize for the situation, and we will hopefully have more updates soon. Thanks.

New Contributor

As our organization license manager, I very much understand the value of keeping your installed software up-to-date with the latest patches!  I am requesting that you please make it a priority to put the patches and software release notification back in place.  And notify us when it's available!  Thank you!!!

New Contributor III

I agree with the @FRAP_TiffanyMeyer. The subscription feature is very important. I'm hopeful this will be brought back for patch notification emails, etc. 

Honored Contributor

Any updates on patch notifications?

New Contributor


This is a necessary function for securing our environment.  Can we please get some kind of subscription-based notifications in place; especially for high-priority messages? 

We don't even get emails to the account owners about high-priority issues that could negatively impact customer's environments like the recent one about defective patching for ArcGIS Portal.  There might be banners on websites, but seriously ESRI, you can do better.  Look at what your customers are licensed for and at least send messages directly to them if there's an issue.  We shouldn't have to find out through the grapevine.


New Contributor III

Users are not local administrators on their pcs in my organization.  We need to request IT to install updates, so we need a way for the IT department to be notified when there is an update to install, or so that I can forward the update message again.  Functionality via an App might be a nice extra convenience, but should never replace email/website notifications.  Please bring the SUBSCRIBE option back to the website.  Thanks!

New Contributor

Is there any update on this email update functionality? At the very least, give us an RSS feed for all the updates you're releasing. Getting email updates whenever releases happen is very basic functionality I've seen from every other software provider I've worked with. Please bring this back as soon as you can.

New Contributor

Any updates on getting some patch notification subscriptions set up again?

Esri Regular Contributor

@ScottTometich1@pyoungberg While this may not be a complete or ideal solution, another tool that may help is the Patch Notification Utility in ArcGIS Enterprise. Since this file can be executed via the command line (Windows) or console (Linux), you could schedule it to run daily to notify you or your admins of the available patches.

I also contacted the team responsible for the Support website for an update. @AndrewMunn 

Version history
Last update:
‎04-23-2024 06:10 AM
Updated by: