Are you interested in becoming Esri-Certified or are you preparing to take your exam? Learn how you can use My Wish List in Esri Academy to save and quickly access certification exams and exam learning plans to help you on your certification journey.
To get started, we encourage individuals to read our article 3 Steps to Selecting Your Certification Exam to ensure they are choosing the exam that’s right for them and their experience level, then follow the steps below to add exams and key exam preparation resources to their Wish List.
If you have any questions after reading this article, please ask them here.
Once you’ve selected an exam from our list in Esri Academy, click on the exam card to open the exam details page. On this page, you can click the heart icon below the title of the exam as well as the hearts at the bottom of each resource under “Related Training” to add them to your Wish List.
Exam cards are useful to wish list as this is where the Exam Information Guide (EIG) and button to purchase your exam voucher are located. You can learn more about EIGs here, and more about purchasing and using exam vouchers here.
Learning Plans are useful to wish list as they contain courses from Esri Academy that can help a candidate prepare for their exam should any knowledge gaps be identified after reviewing the EIG. Learning plans are also considered a key Esri exam preparation resource.
To access 'My Wish List' and view your selections, ensure you are logged into your primary ArcGIS account, hover over My Academy > click on My Wish List.
Once you've opened 'My Wish List' in My Academy, you can begin planning and tracking your Esri Certification Journey Milestones. Here's a few to get you started.
We hope you will subscribe to Esri Technical Certification to stay current with our program’s latest updates and information.
- Best to you on your certification journey!