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Help Detroit GIS High Schoolers Keep Dual University Enrollment

12-14-2023 08:23 AM
New Contributor II

Hello Esri Partner Network! 

If you are looking for a GIS cause to support this holiday season, please consider helping a Detroit public high school sustain its GIS Pathways dual enrollment program.  

Eos Positioning Systems visited these students last month, and we were inspired by how their "GIS Pathways" program is transforming their lives professionally and personally. So we created a video and fundraising campaign — running now through January 5, 2024 — to help them sustain their dual-enrollment program, which is in jeopardy for the 2023-24 school year.   If you were looking for a good GIS cause to support this month, please consider this program. We believe the passion and scope of the GIS community can easily sustain these students' GIS Pathways program for at least another year.

You can learn more by watching this video below. The link to share or support their cause is here:

Thank you in advance if you share this! 

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