How to Extract Height in meter using DSM?

02-14-2018 11:24 PM
Emerging Contributor

I want to get the height information for a particular area in meters.

I have orthomosaic, DSM and DTM of that area

I don't know how to get building height information that too particularly in meters.

I would be thankful to you for this help.

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13 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Do you only have building points or do you have access to building footprints as polygons?. What I see from you screen shot of you DTM is that it includes higher values where the buildings have been filtered out.

You have to keep in mind that with Drone2Map the DSM is based on "measurements" and the DTM is a derivative (hence the lower resolution with a factor 5). Most likely you would like to use the elevation at the streets as the DTM value, but currently inside the buildings values increment (lighter areas). 

In case you have access to building footprints you could:

  • convert them to raster (using the ID)
  • use expand to make the areas a bit larger
  • use zonal statistics to define the minimum height inside each expanded footprint
  • combine that result to replace the DTM values
  • obtain the object height by calculating DSM - corrected DTM
New Contributor

Yes sir you are correct. I have access to building foot print which I have drafted myself. What I want is to add a field in my building shapefile of name height and get height of each building shapefile. How should I do that sir(as I am not aware regarding how to convert shapefile to raster)????????????

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MVP Emeritus

So basically you are saying you don't have rasters at all, but points.

Make rasters from the points, then subtract them... but you have differences in the cell size, so be aware

This is really a drone2map place question

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New Contributor

Sir, Actually may be I am using the wrong terminology because of which I am not trying to write in words what exactly I want.

Basically i am doing digitizing and I somehow want height data. I have DSM so my question was can I extract height of a building using DSM data??????????

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