Attribute Assistant stops working after multiple edit sessions, multiple versions

01-28-2016 04:52 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a problem since upgrading to ArcMap 10.3 that my Attribute Assistant configurations will stop working correctly after going through multiple edit session and multiple versions.

My workflow is create a new version for each job I need to work.  Once the new version is created, I then start a new edit session to make the necessary changes.  Once completed I save my edits, reconcile and post, close the edit session switch back to DEFAULT version, then delete the working version.

It seems that after two or three of these the Attribute Assistant forgets what to do.

Has anyone else seen this behavior or does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this problem?

Thank you in advance,

Zach Bray

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13 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

What do you mean forgets what to do, is the AA not working, does the icon on the toolbar change?  If you toggle it on and off, does it work?  Anything in the log file that might help us isolate the issue?

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I will try to pull a log file the next time this happens.  Usually AA works as expected the first couple of times and then it seems that portions of the rules will stop.  I have several rules to pull data from an intersecting feature.  these will stop but my prompt rules for the same fields will work.  I also have rules to pull data from a related table, do a lookup.  these will work for a while and then decide to not or only work on certain values.

Every time I have looked back at the log file, I do not see anything that looks wrong.  AA is active the whole time.

I will post a log file later

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I had an example of a failed/stopped working, see the attached file.  I marked my examples with "&&&" and then a comment.  It starts about half way down with a "Secondary UG Line Section - ON_CREATE".

Any help will be appreciated this problem is becoming a headache.

Thank You

Zach Bray, Albemarle EMC

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Esri Frequent Contributor

What I do not see is the Value Set statement, it is not logging anything after Checking Class.  After this statement it does two checks.

1:  sourceFeature.Class != inFeature.Class.  Checks to see if edited feature is a different class from the feature class with the data

Since you are listing SecondaryUGLineSection as a lookup layer and the edited layer is SecondaryUGLineSection, I think the above check is not valid, so on to the second check

2:  if (sourceFeature.Class == inFeature.Class && sourceFeature.OID != inFeature.OID):  If the layers are in the same class and are the same feature, do nothing.  I think this is what is going on.  Cant copy a value from itself.

I would try adding the |P at the end of value info and see what info is presented to you.

Also, try taking the same class out of the intersecting feature

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I will give this a try.

What I am trying to accomplish here is get an inheritance try rule in place to pass down certain pieces of information.  Often times I am inheriting from the same FeatureCLass just not the same record or feature.  I did have this working well for me in ArcMap 10.0.

Is there another way to get the same result? the LastValue does not work because I use the same field names across FeatureClasses and the values I want are dependant on what other FeatureClasses the new feature intersects.



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I made your suggested change to include the "|P" onto my Intersecting_Feature method.  I noticed that my RunWeight was not honored.  I thought AA would step down from highest to lowest.  What I saw was no special order.  I have attached another AALogFile and an export from my DynamicValue table.  Both are specific to my SecondaryUGLineSection FeatureClass.  May be this will shed some light.


Zach Bray

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Esri Frequent Contributor

Can you verify your run weight field name, in the file you sent, it is RUNWEIGHT, it needs to be RUN_WEIGHT

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Occasional Contributor


My field name is RUNWEIGHT.  I will change it to RUN_WEIGHT and see how that works.  That would explain my odd results



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I am still have issues with the Intersecting_Features.  I use a similar logic across several FeatureClasses.  In this example it is my Primary UG Line Section FeatureClass that is giving me problems.  In the attached AALogFile you can see where one attempt failed and then the next worked, both from the same edit session.  I marked them with a &&-Failed and &&-Worked.  I have also attached my DynamicValue table as a File GeoDatabase is the zip file for review.

I have tried cross  check my DynamicValue table field names and data types but am unable to find that listed anywhere.

Does anyone know where I could find a support tech that could look at my setup and watch an edit session to help me diagnose the problem?  As I stated earlier, this worked for me in the 10.0 version.  I do not know what has changed that might be giving me problems.

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