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ArcGIS Organizational Sites

02-27-2020 07:56 AM
Emerging Contributor

Does anyone out there know of any Electric Utilities that have public ArcGIS Online organizational sites? I am trying to show my non-GIS colleagues examples of what such a site could look like for our utility.

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor

WE do not because we need to be cognizant of NERC compliance and there is a lot of private information. We have an extensive online system but it is only visible to in house or contractors who have signed strongly worded agreements.

I think a good bet would be to find another utility that has an online system and see if they are willing to demo it for your people.

Some utilities have online outage view and things like that, but you may not find anyone showing their full system publicly as it would be hard to justify

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Frequent Contributor


Here is the AGOL site (Ergon Energy) for the electricity utility I work for in Queensland, Australia. We publish very basic information of the network & a few other maps relating to where Ergon has incentive programs, etc.


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Honored Contributor

Our set up is similar to what Anthony Ryan links too.  His appears to be ArcGIS Online.  Our is running via Portal but we also have an AGO Online set up as well. What he has to show you would probably be a good way to start and demo. 

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Occasional Contributor


I maintain and manage an online web map for a small local municipal electric department in upstate NY. I would be happy to give you a tour of our webpage and give some advice on how it was constructed and maintained. It would be a great practice run for a presentation I have coming up on such a topic.

Patrick Wells

Lake Placid Electric

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