Modern GIS is Web GIS: Teaching GIS Using ArcGIS Online Webinar

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Modern GIS is Web GIS: Teaching GIS Using ArcGIS Online Webinar

Published on ‎03-28-2023 12:31 PM by Esri Regular Contributor

Faculty Discussion on Moving Courses to a Web Based Framework


Symbology, joins, spatial analysis, and many other core GIS functions can now be used and taught using web-based GIS. Join us for the webinar Modern GIS is Web GIS: Teaching GIS Using ArcGIS Online on May 10, 2023 from 10:00 am (PT) – 11:00 am (PT) to hear from university faculty discussing their successes and challenges in moving their courses to a web-based framework.

This webinar will also highlight recent tutorials and lessons (freely available) that were developed by Esri to help instructors teach python, scripting, automation, remote sensing, configuring web applications, and more.

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Wed, May 10, 2023 10:00 AM PDT
Wed, May 10, 2023 11:00 AM PDT
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