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You Can Be the Next DevSummit Inspiration

01-24-2018 03:51 PM
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You can be the next inspirational thought leader at the 2018 Esri Developer Summit. It takes only 5 minutes to share your GIS success story. Showcase a successful geodev project, describe an innovative customization you made using ArcGIS or SDKs, speak of challenges you overcame with GIS Technology, and contribute to the overall excitement of the 2018 DevSummit.

Present your story and be the inspiration that sparks innovation. Submissions are reviewed on a first come, first serve basis. Space is limited. Email your proposal before March 3, 2018 to

When & Where

DevSummit PS Lightning Talks
Monday, March 5 | 3:00 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Palm Springs Convention Center | Mesquite B-C Rooms


    • Share one great idea — Tell a story, motivate, and inspire.
    • Make it quick — Presentations must be five minutes or less.
    • No live demos — We want to hear about the idea directly from you.
    • Be creative — You can use slides, videos, or Prezi to present your talk.
    • Avoid sales pitches — Refrain from advertising products and services.
    • Hurry and sign up! — There are only 18 slots, so submit your lightning talk soon!

      Lightning Talk submissions are reviewed on a first come, first serve basis and space is limited. Email your Lightning Talk proposal to by the March 3, 2018 deadline, including the following:

        • Your full name, title, organization, email address, and phone number.
        • Your final Lightning Talk PowerPoint slides, video, or Prezi.
        • A short description of your talk (500 characters or less).
        • A brief, interesting fact about yourself that we can share with the Lightning Talks audience.
    • Have fun! — This is your chance to share your passion for your great idea. For inspiration, read How to Give a Great Ignite Talk or watch a lightning talk on writing Unix daemons to see how a seemingly dull topic can be made exciting.