That's a wrap. It is the final day of the 2018 Esri Developer Summit. And we had so much fun. Here are some highlights from the final day.
This year's DevSummit had many accomplishments:
- Largest DevSummit ever - more than 2,100 attendees this year
- 18 pre-summit training courses with many hands-on for Python, Angular, Xamarin, Typescript, AppStudio,Pro SDK, Insights, etc.
- 250+ sessions and demo theaters - all will be posted on YouTube and E360 in a few weeks for FREE
- Lightning Talks,
- Speedgeeking
- Showcase
- An amazing party
- And a final day of tech sessions and a great closing session lunch
Fun Facts for 2018 DevSummit:
- 4,272 lbs of chicken consumed
- 7,000 enchiladas made and eaten
- 2,344 lbs of sauces
- 3,180 donuts devoured
- 3,904 pieces of fruit (Trying to be healthy)
- 4,062.5 lbs of greens (Must have your greens)
- 6,500 lbs of vegetables (Must eat our veggies, too)
| - 2,845 lbs cheese
- 11,500 appetizers
- 1,284 gallons of water (It is the desert)
- 1,657 gallons of coffee (Couldn't have survived without it)
- 357 bottles of wine
- 72 kegs of beer (up from 60 in 2017)
- 38 tons of recyclable waste (Go Green!)
GeoNet also had activity |
27 countries watched the Plenary live stream |
Didn't get to attend? Good news, we have other Developer Summits already scheduled.
- 24 March - Washington D.C.
- 23-25 October - Berlin, Germany
- 5-8 March 2019 - Palm Springs, CA
Your feedback
- Slides - text too small, colors too washed out, template
- Need surveys in Events Apps for pre-conference
- Bring back Meet the Teams
- Excitement during the plenary - apparently there was construction for new solar panels being installed during the plenary and the house lights came on.
- Showcase was great - good to have the 1-to-1 time to discuss with Esri staff and experts
- Length of conference is good - 1 week of fun
- Kudos for having sign-language during the Plenary

Picture courtesy of Glenn Letham on Twitter #DevSummit Congratulations to Team DTS on their Dodgeball victory. The festivities of the night before are cleared out. Did you enjoy the dipped donuts and cotton candy treats? | 
Picture courtesy of @gpoulis on Twitter #DevSummit2018 Left over attendees take in a few last tech sessions and enjoy the warm Palm springs pre-Spring temperatures of 86°F while many others begin their trek home. |
The closing session was great. Good food, great conversation, new connections, and many questions answered by the panel of speakers. 

Euan Cameron was even challenged to draw an ArcMap on a whiteboard. | 
Several attendees posted Q&A on social media and video while at DevSummit. |
This question had the entire panel answering. Thank you steve gourley for a great question.
Still have questions after DevSummit? You can post your questions below and we will help get them to the right person or group for an answer. Your feedback, conversations, connections, and presence is truly appreciated. |