I am hitting an exception when trying to execute the "QueryFeaturesAsync" with a query parameter of Polygon Geometry.
SDK Version: 100.1
Exception: "\"invalid start of json - expecting { or [\": < : 0"
I have tried the query with multiple different URI's and still hitting the same exception. When executing the query direct from the service (not through the SDK), I get a successful response with the data I expect.
Here is some of the code:
var featureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(uri);
var queryParams = new QueryParameters();
queryParams.Geometry = geometry;
task = featureTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(queryParams);
try {
await task;
catch(Exception ex)
//expection occurs here
Console.WriteLine("Failed to complete query" + e.ToString());
Hi Jason,
I just tested with a swift version of the code for queryFeature with AGSServiceFeatureTable and I do not reproduce this issue.
Here is the snippet code that I used and you can try to use this service end point to test as well:
var map:AGSMap!
var ft: AGSServiceFeatureTable!
override func viewDidLoad() {
//create an instance of a map with ESRI topographic basemap
self.map = AGSMap(basemap: AGSBasemap.topographic())
self.mapView.map = self.map
func queryTest() {
self.ft = AGSServiceFeatureTable(url:URL(string: FEATURE_SERVICE_URL)!);
let queryParams = AGSQueryParameters()
queryParams.whereClause = "has_pool = 1"
self.ft.queryFeatures(with: queryParams) { (result: AGSFeatureQueryResult?, error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
else if let features = result?.featureEnumerator().allObjects {
if features.count > 0 {
} else {
print("no feature")
Based on our 100.1 SDK doc:
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for iOS: AGSServiceFeatureTable Class Reference
I do not think we have any function called "QueryFeaturesAsync", I wonder how do you implement?
Here I would recommend check this sample code that using Objective-c to work with queryFeaturesWithParameters:
Another good suggestion is use Charles Web Debugging Proxy to investigate what's the request that you send and you can get more info from there.
Apologies, I forgot to specify that I am using the Xamarin iOS SDK. Hence why the code is c#. Here is a reference to the "QueryFeaturesAsync" method: