Hey guys,
I am stuck on an older version of Arc For Server (10.0) and currently have a webmap created with Flex. Obviously this is old and deprecated and I'd like to use a javascript based solution. I know a little bit of leaflet/javascript.
My understanding is there are two options: ArcGIS Online or a Portal. The data is from our ArcSDE which is huge so I think ArcGIS Online would be out of the question and would need a local portal based solution. I like the idea of the WebApp Builder but I can't see anywhere what the minimum requirements are. I assume you need portal in my situation which is 10.3?
Can I use the Javascript API to manually create what web app builder would do? or is there a minimum Arc For server version requirement for the JS API as well?
Off hand, I don't see any minimum requirements for the API, but you could use the sample code snadbox to test with some of your 10.0 services to see if there are limitations for what you want.
The WAB does require access to either ArcGIS Online or a local install of Portal to get an appID, but, if you use the local WAB developer edition, there is a LocalLayerWidget custom widget that allows you to use your own services....I'm not sure if it will work with 10.0 service or not. There is also a ArcGIS Online version which will use services from ArcGIS Online. You can register you ArcGIS Server services (again, not totally sure about 10.0) and keep you services local, but use Online to access them for the online WAB.
re: Portal, if you are only licensed for 10.0 (i.e. not on maintenance), I don't think you can get a license for the local Portal install, but that would be a question for your esri customer rep or local distributor.
For some links to the WAB dev edition, my blog /blogs/myAlaskaGIS/2016/03/09/web-appbuilder-developer-edition-customization-resource-list?sr=search...
And for better exposure https://community.esri.com/community/gis/web-gis/web-appbuilder?sr=search&searchId=bf1ff6d1-8019-41a... https://community.esri.com/groups/web-app-builder-custom-widgets?sr=search&searchId=bf1ff6d1-8019-41... https://community.esri.com/community/gis/web-gis?sr=search&searchId=bf1ff6d1-8019-41ad-8867-a8f31a97... https://community.esri.com/community/developers/web-developers/arcgis-api-for-javascript?sr=search&s... https://community.esri.com/groups/arcgis-server-with-javascript-api?sr=search&searchId=af1f5bbd-25d5...
Thanks for the reply. My understanding is WAB is just a nice gui interface for the JS API and anything done in WAB can be done manually correct?
I would say "yes" to it can be done, just a bit more work. WAB has a lot of widgets already built so many times you just need to customize it...including many user supplied custom widgets. But there is also a lot of overhead with WAB (i.e. the reliance on the appID), so if you don't need all the bells and whistles, and you are comfortable with JS, with the samples and help, you can do a lot.
On our public web page right now, we are just using a simple JS api app....keeping it very light and simple. But internally, we will be using a much more robust WAB version.