I used server 10.0 to create a few map services and geodatabase services and then used web ADF (10.0) for web application development, now if I update from current version 10.0 to the 10.3.1, will the map services, geodatabase services (data service using service management tool ) be compatible? what is the overhaul for the rebuild of the project using new web ADF on 10.3.1 (I assuming there is one).
Any one has done it before? your answers are highly appreciated.
Note that, for the feature or function wise, I may not need to update to the latest version, however, when I updated the development machine to window 10, the version 10 WED ADF could not be installed at all (indicating ISS is not found ---- actually IIS running well on my computer), I saw a few threads reporting the issues, but not answers yet. Some one has figured it out? Thanks
This is where you should probably start:
I would then read some of the "What's new" for 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3. There was a big change between 10.0 and 10.1....for the better...but ArcGIS Server isn't split between .net and Java web ADF anymore (if I remember my 10.0 terminology correctly). It it all one package now, and makes use of a web-adaptor. Although it may be a lot to absorb to begin with, once you are on the 10.1 side of things, all upgrades are easier, since services no longer need to be rebuilt.
As for developing, I would recommend using the Web AppBuilder develop edition, if you want a customize-able web environment, with some built in wizard-like user interface. Check out Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Customization Resource List to find links to many of the sites and discussions...and places you should get familiar with on geonet. If you don't need to customize things to that point, the ArcGIS Online version of the Web AppBuilder is even eaiser, since it doesn't need to be installed or maintained locally (online) and you can still downlolad and host locally if you would like.
I hope this helps get you started....ask more questions once you've looked thru some of the above documents. Although a bit overwhelming maybe to think about, 10.1+ are so much easier to administer, I think it well worth the effort. my opinion.