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Unable to load config.json?wab_dv=2.9 status: 404 and an error in handleAs: transformation of response

08-03-2018 11:14 AM
MVP Regular Contributor

I created this app in Web AppBuilder: ArcGIS Web Application 

I want to host it on our server. Here were my steps:

1. I first created a local test environment through the IIS Manager called C:\inetpub\wwwroot\GISApi

2. Through AGOL I clicked Create --> App: Using Web AppBuilder

3. Using Web AppBuilder developer version I created the app. It has two widgets, neither of which require a subscription to use. The content of the app (CSV file, hosted feature layer, web app, and the app) are all shared publicly.

4. After saving the finished app I went back to AGOL to download the zipfile.

5. I copied the zip to the GISApi folder then extracted it, and renamed the folder "Cooling".

6. I then tried running the app a few ways:

      a. I double clicked the index.html file, but the page never loaded:

      b. I put these URLs in the browser (Chrome) https://localhost/gisapi/Cooling/index.html


            Here's what happened:

There's no need for a proxy because the app's shared publicly.

I then put a copy of the Cooling folder in our production folder. This is where the error message in the question title came from:

I contacted ESRI and the tech downloaded the zip to his local server. He had the app up and running with no problems. I never went into the code at all so I'm guessing it might be my PC? At the moment I have a colleague in another department attempting to run the app from his PC on a different server.

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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

jared pilbeam‌ Your "config.json" is not able to be loaded. You can see here if you go directly to the file: 

Most likely the issue is that your IIS is not configured to serve JSON files. Typically this is most easily solved by adding a MIME type for the "json" file type using IIS Manager:

Open IIS Manager -> Mime types -> Add a new mime type with

Extension: .json
MIME Type: application/json

MVP Regular Contributor


It's already there.

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MVP Regular Contributor

I also closed all browsers and editors and reset the server. Then allowed full control of the wwwroot folder to all users:

Still nothing.

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MVP Regular Contributor

I followed this video and set up a self-signed certificate for my local server. Then I created a https site bindings in the IIS Manager, whereas before it the url to the app was http.

It works now, but it's painfully slow and the side panel, top panel, widgets are missing. Only the basemap, points and popups are drawing. https://localhost/gisapi/Cooling/ 

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