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ST_TRANSFORM: ORA-20603: Spatial References are not compatible

09-07-2016 11:03 AM
New Contributor

Hi GIS USers,

I am attempting to transform a point:
From: GSC_WGS_1984 (SRID 0 or 4326)
To: NAD_1983_StatePlane_California_III_FIPS_0403_Feet (SRID 2227).

My workflow is that the user identifies create a point in 4326. This point is then transformed to 2227 to use in a SQL spatial query against other 2227 projected data.

So I use the SQL below and get "ORA-20603: Spatial References are not compatible." Well... I can definitely transform in ArcGIS Desktop between the two systems so.. yeah they can be made compatible.

I used KWID 108190 as the transformation NAD_1984_(ITRF00)_To_NAD_1983. I have also tried without a transform. In which table are the transform ID's listed?

What am I doing wrong here or this a bug?

BTW, I have setup PEDATAHOME and this is an Oracle 11g geodatabase that has ST_GEOMETRY enabled and configured.

select sde.ST_astext (sde.st_transform (sde.st_pointfromtext ('point (37.988675 -122.086967)', 0), 2227, 108190))
from dual;


Contra Costa County
Public Works Dept.

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Hi Wiley,

You may want to contact‌ and open a case with the geodata team to review that error. There could be a couple of different reasons.

I am also adding the‌ group to see if anyone can chime in.

--- George T.
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New Contributor

HI All,

My code was good I just had the Long and Lat reversed. I got the values from Google who uses LONG,LAT (aka Y,X). ESRI and ST_GEOMETRY uses LAT,LONG (aka X,Y).

select sde.ST_astext (sde.st_transform (sde.st_pointfromtext ('point (-122.086967 37.988675 )', 0), 2227, 108190))
from dual;

Works just fine.